The Democrats and their mainstream media (MSM) mouthpieces sure seem a little skittish on what is supposed to be Blue Wave Election Eve.’s Ezra Klein has been babbling about this all day:
House popular vote? That’s no more real than “the Klingon turnout in Mendocino county.”
I am not saying that I have any firm predictions for tomorrow night, I am just saying that there seems to be desperate flop-sweat over in MSM Land this evening. Here is what The New York Times opinion page is offering the night before the election:
When Donald Trump was elected president my grandmother said, “Everyone laughed at Hitler, too.”
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) November 6, 2018
The substance of the op-ed is almost irrelevant here. The Times knows that most won’t read it. All they wanted to do was get the Trump/Hitler comparison out in front of the 675 thousand followers its opinion page’s Twitter account has. I will save you the time and tell you that the writer of the piece never really does explain just how President Trump is going to make America like the Lithuania her family escaped. It is, after all, a given among liberals who never interact with people who don’t think like them that everyone who doesn’t is a racist Nazi science-denier.
Comparing the president of the United States to Adolf Hitler just because your backside is still chapped from the last election and you have the coping skills of a toddler with a full diaper is beyond the pale. This isn’t some screed written by a low-functioning HuffPo blogger with a gender studies degree, this is in the pages of what is supposed to be the most respected news source in America.
President Trump is right to continually harangue the MSM. They have been awful for decades but have become disgusting embarrassments to the very idea of a free press since Trump took office. This kind of awful garbage — even in the opinion section — is offensive to millions of Americans and far more dangerous to the country than President Trump.
Maybe the author should look into the role that propaganda played in the rise of Adolf Hitler.
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