Taco Bell Launches Fashion Line with Forever 21

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Every headline reads like something from The Onion these days. Now we have reached peak 2017:

Taco Bell, which once ran ads that urged customers to “make a run for the border,” now wants them to also make a run for the dressing room.

In a coupling of fast food with fast fashion, the Mexican food chain is teaming with teen retailer Forever 21 to create a  collection of its own bodysuits, sweatshirts and hoodies. Ultimately, the collaboration could help introduce each brand to a new group of customers in a new, surprising way.

“Forever 21’s collaboration with Taco Bell … is a smart and relatively risk-free move to drive traffic to its online and physical stores,” says Lauren Bitar, director, retail consulting with RetailNext which provides analytics on the industry. “Once shoppers get there, however, it’s paramount for Forever 21 to create an engaging, fulfilling shopping experience so these store visits won’t be one and done.”


I don’t know what Taco Bell is like in the rest of the country, but here on the west side of Los Angeles it isn’t exactly pitching itself to the Forever 21 crowd. That is unless drunk college boys shop at Forever 21 after midnight.

If Forever 21 ends up having drive through windows that are open twenty four hours, we’ll know that they’re really onto something here.

And now I’m hungry for Taco Bell.


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