Army Deletes 'Chinks' in Armor Tweet Because PC Crowd Too Stupid to Understand English

Stop the madness.

The Army has deleted a tweet posted Thursday afternoon referring to “chinks” in the armor of its Special Operations capabilities after receiving numerous accusations of racism.

The tweet read: “Chinks in special ops’ digital and physical armor poses challenges, experts say.”


The political correctness speech fascists are second only to terrorists in their zeal to destroy America. In fact, they do more to help the terrorists’ cause here than the terrorists do themselves. The arbitrary assignation of evil/hate/whatever to words or phrases is a growing cancer in American society that is designed solely to assault free speech. After the Charlie Hebdo massacre there was a lot of lip service paid to freedom of expression, but the majority of the people linking arms in solidarity are also the ones who created this dangerous hyper-sensitivity.

That public display put them in a position to be held accountable on this matter, and real proponents of free speech should exploit this chink in their armor. special-operations


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