Results for: hillary
White Bernie Bro Calls Black Trump Supporter 'Insane' at the DNC
PHILADELPHIA, PA — Right outside the Democratic National Convention, Bernie Sanders supporters protested the victory of Hillary Clinton … An outspoken black man in a “Hillary for Prison” shirt and a “Make America Great Again” hat started a dialogue with a Bernie supporter…
'Power to the People! No Power to These Pigs!'
Mines also told the crowd of about 500 marchers that “Hillary Clinton has blood on her hands.” … Despite strong protests from the local police union, Hillary Clinton refused to allow the relatives of recently slain police officers…
'Hillary for America' Has Job Opening for a 'Security Engineer'
Hillary for America has a job opening for an individual with “a very particular set of skills.” … Hillary Clinton’s campaign tech team is looking for a “Security Engineer” to make sure her “internet presence” stays secure. …
Trump, Poor Whites, and the Sneers of the Elite
been as reviled as Trump, yet he handily grabbed the mantle of Republican nominee and is currently leading in the polls against Hillary…
Who's Hillary's Hacker and Why?
He had many exchanges with Hillary, and Guccifer found them. That led him to Hillary. … Will Guccifer Upend Hillary?
Now there’s Guccifer 2.0, who says he’s the source of the WikiLeaks dump of DNC emails.…
Hillary Clinton's Unfavorables Hit All-Time High
Can Hillary turn her image around? Gallup doesn’t think so, and neither do I. … Of course, Hillary is viewed more positively by Democrats: 71% view her favorably. … Will Hillary come out of the Democrat National Convention with a stronger image?…
Military Vets Holler 'Lock Her Up!' During Trump's VFW Speech
at the mention of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s name. … Trump’s comments on Hillary begin 8:30 in:
The phrase “Lock her up!” … seems to have captured the imagination of anti-Hillary forces all across America.…
ISIS Ignored: Moral Sickness at the Democratic Convention
The idea that more refugees from Syria are being allowed into this country by Obama and Hillary boggles the mind.…
Kerry Talks DNC Hack with Lavrov as FBI Probes 'Nature and Scope' of Breach…with-lavrov-as-fbi-probes-nature-and-scope-of-breach-n104352…with-lavrov-as-fbi-probes-nature-and-scope-of-breach-n104352
that “whether you like [former DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz] or not, she worked very hard to rig the system so that Hillary…
Email Hack Unmasks a Commander-in-Chief Who Can't Even Protect Herself
Hillary is now jumping at shadows. … Hillary walked right into it. … , Hillary would be ready.…
Bernie Tells Tearful and 'Disappointed' Supporters He's 'Proud to Stand' with Hillary…sappointed-supporters-hes-proud-to-stand-with-hillary-n44228…sappointed-supporters-hes-proud-to-stand-with-hillary-n44228
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) faced a convention hall brimming with devotees — some of whom had spent the day booing the very mention of Hillary … Still, Bernie acknowledged, “It is no secret that Hillary Clinton and I disagree on a number of issues. … “Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president and I am proud to stand with her tonight!”…
'New York Magazine'-Bernie Fans Dominate Day 1 of DNC, Also Kind of Scary…bernie-fans-dominate-day-1-of-dnc-also-kind-of-scary-n47305…bernie-fans-dominate-day-1-of-dnc-also-kind-of-scary-n47305
nervousness soon burst into outright panic as it quickly appeared that the Bernie Sanders contingent was far less reconciled to Hillary … majority of Sanders’ supporters, many of whom have changed candidate preferences throughout the primary, and who on the whole support Hillary … It’s also true that many of them are in step with Hillary on about ninety percent of the things.…
Warren Faces 'We Trusted You' Chants While Backing Hillary at DNC
We’re here today because our choice is Hillary Clinton. I’m with Hillary. I’m with Hillary.” … “Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, just misrepresented me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary, who she always … Also, Crooked Hillary hates her!”…
These 17 Reactions Sum Up the Bernie Sanders DNC Experience
supporters booed House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz when they stood for Hillary … Bernie has already endorsed Hillary, but the question is, will his endorsement take?
17. Maybe not. … Hillary will be all for your issues Bernie right up till you walk off the stage.…
Michelle Obama at DNC: Election About 'Who Will Have the Power to Shape Our Children'…n-about-who-will-have-the-power-to-shape-our-children-n44225…n-about-who-will-have-the-power-to-shape-our-children-n44225
Obama threw her support behind Hillary, noting “there were plenty of moments when Hillary could have decided that this work was too … What I admire most about Hillary is that she never buckles under pressure. She never takes the easy way out. … And Hillary Clinton has never quit on anything in her life,” she continued.…
Even Bernie Gets Booed for Continuing Endorsement of Hillary
They really are booing Bernie Sanders for endorsing Hillary
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) July … 25, 2016
Bernie Sanders said he’s still endorsing Hillary Clinton, and the crowd went wild… booing him and chanting for him instead…
Mike Pence Gets Praise from Democrat on D.C. Statehood Stance
Strauss told PJM presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has made “strong pro-D.C. statehood comments” in the past…
Nate Silver Has Trump Ahead Now
forecast has Republican nominee Donald Trump with a 15 percentage point-greater chance of beating presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary…
Glenn Beck: 'Trump's Convention Speech Was Bone-Chilling and Terrifying'…ps-convention-speech-was-bone-chilling-and-terrifying-n47297…ps-convention-speech-was-bone-chilling-and-terrifying-n47297
I was the one pulling the strings of Hillary Clinton.” Okay, so he’s admitting that he was corrupt.…
Hillary Corrupts Everything: The DNC Story
The Democratic National Committee functioned as an arm of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign throughout the primary. … It wasn’t shocking the Hillary and her friend Debbie Wasserman Schultz were in cahoots; what was, is the level of opposition game planning … So, the Democrat convention goes on this week and Hillary hopes that Bernie Sanders’ endorsement of her candidacy will bring along…
Here's Your Official DNC Drinking Game
Have I spent almost thirty years training my liver to Mark Rippetoe Spec, only to throw it all away on Hillary Freaking Clinton’s once-delayed … But as I think ahead to the next four nights, I must tell you words about Hillary so true that Bill Clinton has never even lied them…
Wasserman Schultz Primary Challenger Accuses Her of District Bullying…z-primary-challenger-accuses-her-of-district-bullying-n44221…z-primary-challenger-accuses-her-of-district-bullying-n44221
“I was disappointed in Hillary Clinton’s announcement that — that Wasserman Schultz would be a co-chair of her 50-state strategy. … First of all, she’s been such a disappointing chair of the DNC that one wonders whether she would even be effective in helping Hillary…
'Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!' Chants Drown Out Pelosi at CA DNC Breakfast
Democratic National Convention on Monday morning featured loud shouts from Bernie Sanders supporters, attacking calls for unity behind Hillary…
CNN/ORC Poll: Trump Takes Presidential Lead Post-RNC
On the other hand, 41% hold a favorable opinion of Hillary Clinton while 55% have a negative view of the former first lady.…