Results for: the daily caller

AG Sessions Tells 46 Remaining Obama-Appointed U.S. Attorneys to Hit the Bricks…ining-obama-appointed-u-s-attorneys-to-hit-the-bricks-n50726
– About half of the country’s 93 U.S. attorneys have already left the department. … Now, the status of Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, is up in the air. … Bharara, the Daily Caller reported last year, was leading the New York-based probe of the Clinton Foundation.…
Spicer: Flynn Lawyer Contacting Transition Team About Turkey Lobbying Was 'Personal Matter'…ition-team-about-turkey-lobbying-was-personal-matter-n107898
– Three days later, the Daily Caller reported that Flynn’s consulting firm had been hired shortly before by a Dutch company called Inovo … The Huffington Post, Politico and the New York Times printed their own stories on the links a few days after that. … of the cleric.…
Update: Tomi Lahren Suspended From TheBlaze TV After Abortion Comments
– Update: TheBlaze has reportedly suspended political commentator Tomi Lahren, The Daily Caller reported. … “Political commentator Tomi Lahren wil likely be leaving TheBlaze in September if not sooner,” The Daily Caller’s Peter Hasson reported … Illegals have rights in the USA but not the unborn?…
Rep. Cuellar: 30 Countries Refusing to Take Back Deported Criminal Illegals…ries-refusing-to-take-back-criminal-deported-illegals-n50849
Daily Caller: “We’re not enforcing it, which is amazing. … Cuellar said that diplomacy plays a factor in the government’s refusal to enforce the law, as the Department of State and other federal … “And basically the response from the State Department is because you have to work with the State Department and Homeland Security.…
Terror 'Defector' Stories Hyped by Media Collapse Underneath the 'Deradicalization' Narrative…ia-collapse-underneath-the-deradicalization-narrative-n95557
– Has Been Busted For HOOKERS AND BLOW — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 29, … The answer to the first two questions may never be known. … Needless to say, the follow-up reporting that undercuts the initial stories did not get anywhere near the hype or attention of the
Susan Rice on MSNBC: The Lady Doth Protest Too Much
– Rice also denied a Daily Caller report that she had ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of contacts involving … Attorney Joe diGenova, one of the Daily Caller’s sources for their report, said Rice’s denial “would come as quite a surprise to theDaily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.…
Virtual Media Blackout of Rockville Rape Continues
Daily Caller: Liberal television networks have left their viewers largely uninformed about the rape–a fact the Times conceded on … More to the point, many Americans are drawing the same conclusions drawn by the White House — that the rape story is illustrative of … Despite the media blackout, only the most determinedly ignorant Americans could claim to be unaware of the Rockville rape and the issues…
Enough With PolitiFact's Opinion Journalism
– Mark Tapscott reported in The Daily Caller last September that PolitiFact had a major “conflict of interest with the Clinton foundation … the Democrat the benefit of the doubt. … the “Lie of the Year.”…
Get Ready for a 'Summer of Terror'
– By the end of July last year, I noted that from the time of the Pulse dance club attack in Orlando that killed 49, Western countries … The Jerusalem Post notes that Hamad had been scouting for an opportunity to attack: In the minutes before the attack, he had traveled … into the two soldiers.…
Did the Obama Administration Know that Syria Still Had Chemical Weapons?
The signs point to yes. … The Daily Caller has some reminders of what the Obama administration was saying about the deal that supposedly removed Syria’s chemical … , and the administration’s comments in the aftermath.…
Prof Who Accused Neil Gorsuch of Plagiarism Once Compared Plagiarism to Rape…orsuch-of-plagiarism-once-compared-plagiarism-to-rape-n51098
the language or syntax of the source.” … connection between the trachea and the esophagus.” … The mystery became even more perplexing when The Daily Caller revealed that the Citation Project, where Howard herself is a principal…
9 Reasons President Trump Is Right To Cut The EPA
– “Police arrested an EPA employee for driving under the influence while telecommuting, according to the [inspector general],” the Daily … Damningly, the Daily Caller reported, “The sheer amount of paperwork related to the transaction suggests that multiple EPA officials … they are,” Grover Norquist, ATR’s president, told the Daily Caller.…
Report: FBI Used Dodgy Dossier to Justify FISA Warrant on Carter Page
– Multiple intelligence community sources interviewed by The Daily Caller in January said the dossier is almost certainly a faked-up … Petersburg, Russia, told The Daily Caller that the dossier lacks credibility because it alternately uses British English and American … Similarly, “the tone of the language is not the way someone from the U.K. would write.…
Sen. Feinstein: No Evidence of Russian Collusion With Trump Campaign at This Time…of-russian-collusion-with-trump-campaign-at-this-time-n51450
– On Wednesday, Feinstein and other members of the committee were briefed at CIA headquarters about the investigation into Russian meddling … CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Feinstein whether she had seen evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the … Via The Daily Caller: California Rep.…
Susan Rice: I Did Nothing 'Unusual or Untoward' in Unmasking Trump Officials…hing-unusual-or-untoward-in-unmasking-trump-officials-n51387
– In the matter of alleged Russian meddling, the investigative camp also includes the CIA and the NSA. … According to the Daily Caller, Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes and Rep. … The difference is that the Dems applaud the spying and the Republicans condemn it.…
Jesse Watters 'Takes Vacation' After Suggesting Ivanka Trump 'Was Blowing Her Mike'…on-after-suggesting-ivanka-trump-was-blowing-her-mike-n88309
– Commentators on both the Left and the Right attacked Watters for his comments. … — Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) April 26, 2017 Even conservative outlets like RightWingNews and The Daily Caller weren’t buying … A source familiar with Fox’s inner workings told The Daily Caller that Watters…
Who Will Be the Next FBI Director?
– But, as The Daily Caller points out, the DoJ has apparently narrowed its list of candidates to four—and Rogers isn’t among them. … The decision was so quiet that White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon also discovered the news in the same way as Comey, namely … These four candidates are not the only people under consideration for the position.…
'There Will Be Consequences': Debbie Wasserman Schultz Threatens Capitol Police Chief…bbie-wasserman-schultz-threatens-capitol-police-chief-n51735
– Via the Daily Caller: “My understanding is the the Capitol Police is not able to confiscate Members’ equipment when the Member is … VIP-level protection,” according to the Daily Caller. … The Daily Caller asked Wasserman Schultz on Monday “if it could inquire about her strong desire for the laptop.”…
The Morning Briefing: Terror in the UK, MSM Blows Off Attack, 700K+ U.S. Visa Overstays and Much, Much More…off-attack-700k-u-s-visa-overstays-and-much-much-more-n51715
The Daily Mail has a healthy collection of ISIS freaks celebrating the terror attack on Twitter. … More fun stuff from the Daily Mail: One Telegram user said: ‘We hope that the perpetrator is one of the soldiers of the caliphate … The Daily Caller writes: CNN and MSNBC largely ignored breaking news of a terror attack Monday night in England for nearly an hour…
House Aides Wonder if Dem IT Suspects Are Blackmailing Members of Congress…dem-it-suspects-are-blackmailing-members-of-congress-n51712
– February and banned from the network still have not been charged with a crime, The Daily Caller reported Monday. … From The Daily Caller: Imran Awan and three relatives were colleagues until police banned them from computer networks at the House … Five Capitol Hill technology aides told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group that members of Congress have displayed…
Report: China Executed at Least a Dozen Intel Sources, Imprisoned Several Others…least-a-dozen-intel-sources-imprisoned-several-others-n51665
The Daily Caller: Beijing killed at least a dozen CIA sources and imprisoned several others, former and current U.S. officials told … Intelligence coming out of China was at its best early in 2010, but by the end of the year, the flow had decreased. … The man, a Chinese-American intelligence officer, left the CIA before the leaks began.…
Video Shows Turkish President Erdogan Watching as His Goon Squad Attacks Protesters…erdogan-watching-as-his-goon-squad-attacks-protesters-n51645
– Via The Daily Caller: The video is filmed from behind a black Mercedes Benz occupied by Erdogan, who had just left a White House … According to The Daily Caller, the State Department says it is investigating the brawl but has so far declined to comment on the status … But The Daily Caller has learned that a memo circulating within the agency has determined that some of the men who took part in the
The Morning Briefing: Nothing Special, Anonymous Bombshells, In-N-Out Burgers and Much, Much, More…nymous-bombshells-in-n-out-burgers-and-much-much-more-n51626
– Because the media has an agenda and the media is the one that is feeding the public information. … The Director of the FBI serves “at the will of the President” and firing the Director is not a crime. … The Daily Caller reports: “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump — swear to God.”…
Legislation to Expand Travel to Cuba Gains Traction
the Cuban people. … We need to turn the page on the failed policy of isolation and build on the progress we have made to open up engagement with Cuba by … According to a Daily Caller report this week, Sens.…
Are Democrats and the Establishment Media Doing Russia's Job by Creating Chaos?…tablishment-media-doing-russias-job-by-creating-chaos-n51832
– Conservative website The Daily Caller has published a thorough analysis of the Washington Post‘s report accusing Jared Kushner of … The Washington Post isn’t the only establishment newspaper throwing out the old rules of journalism in order to discredit the Trump … But The NYTimes never possessed the Comey memo.…
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