Results for: VP TO TRUMP

With 'Boundless Optimism,' Cruz Drops Out of Race
– After losing Indiana to Donald Trump tonight by about 15 points, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) pulled out of the presidential race. … — Cruz announced his decision to cries of “no!” … Cruz added that he’s “not suspending our fight to defend the Constitution, to defend the Judeo-Christian values that built America.…
Who Will Be Trump's VP?
– So with that properly cynical or realistic (call it what you will) attitude, on to a quick annotated list of some Trump VP possibilities … for his loyalty to Trump. … He lost to Elizabeth Warren — might be a plus. CHRIS COLLINS – Congressman from New York was first in House to endorse Trump.  …
Trump Jr. to PJM: Denying Trump Nomination Would ‘Destroy’ GOP
– I’ve never heard of anyone who doesn’t even have half the amount of delegates required to win appointing a VP, but to each their own … Trump Jr. was asked about the status of the Trump campaign’s efforts to win over the delegates. … He wants to talk to the people that matter — the people who have been left out,” Trump Jr. said.…
Trump on Twitter: 'Marco Rubio NOT Under Consideration' for VP
– He has to make enemies. The @washingtonpost report on potential VP candidates is wrong. … Reaching out to them? … Sure, Trump is up for that — as long as he doesn’t have to do business with those damnable conservatives who actually take the Constitution…
Mark Cuban Calls Trump the Guy at the Bar Who Will 'Say Anything to Get Laid'…the-guy-at-the-bar-who-will-say-anything-to-get-laid-n46470
– “There’s that guy who’ll walk into the bar and say anything to get laid,” Cuban explained. “That’s Donald Trump right now to a T. … These comments echo a previous Cuban declaration that Trump wants to “f*** the country.” … “Forget Donald Trump asking me to be vice president or whatever,” the investor said.…
Could Another Serial Philanderer Be Trump's Ticket to the Churchgoing Vote?…philanderer-be-trumps-ticket-to-the-churchgoing-vote-n94408
– In order to appeal to those Christians, Trump may select Newt Gingrich, a man with two broken marriages. … It would be premature to say Trump will be able to reconcile all the conservative Christians who describe themselves as “Never Trump … Newt Gingrich as VP would bring to the office three things that Mr.…
The Slartibartfast Election
– According to the most recent CNN poll, Trump leads Clinton by 9 points among whites. … Trump seems fated to go down in flames, doesn’t he? … In short, Trump needs to hope for Clinton to stay the safe, conventional candidate who lost to Barack Obama.…
Corker: 'I Strongly Encouraged' Rubio to 'Reconsider and Seek Re-election'…y-encouraged-rubio-to-reconsider-and-seek-re-election-n44076
– Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), to run for re-election. … Rubio vowed to not run for a second term back in April 2015 when he decided to run for president. … Corker met with Donald Trump on Monday, stoking speculation that Trump is looking at the chairman as a potential VP pick.…
6 Reasons Newt Gingrich Will Likely Be Trump's VP Pick
– According to Mills, nothing annoys Trump more than “yes men.” … Sessions, as the first senator to back Trump, seems also to fit the mold well. … Whether or not Trump taps Gingrich as his VP, the former speaker is likely to have a strong hand in The Donald’s administration, should…
Donald Trump Says He Would Be a Better NM Gov. Than Susana Martinez
– Martinez has been critical of Trump and declined to appear at his rally Tuesday, where shots were reportedly fired — literally, as … “We have got to get your governor to get going,” Trump declared to a cheering audience. “She’s got to do a better job. Okay? … Trump is going to pick the person who is best to partner with him and to get his legislative agenda through Congress.”…
Why Did Karl Rove Refuse to Say Donald Trump's Name at a GOP Event?
– By that I mean we should let Trump get to Cleveland, name a VP, benefit from the week-long activities that build any nominee and begin … He said that the Trump campaign doesn’t need to peak too early. … “We will do better to allow conservatives to spend the next two months getting used to Trump and digesting the reality that he is the…
Newt Ponders Trump Train Exit, Calls Donald 'Absurd Amateur'
Trump “made a really stupid mistake last week, and it took him about three days to learn,” Gingrich said at the BIO International Convention … Or is he just trying to prove that he is his own man before becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Trump Presidential Enterprises? … Gingrich can spend a week or two appearing to be principled, then he can get back to drooling over Trump 24/7, all of which creates…
Tom Arnold: Trump Won't Back 'Any Yahoo Having a Gun' at RNC
– “I happen to know how dangerous guns are. I happen to have fired guns a lot. I am sure Donald Trump has not. … I just think people are very cavalier about this gun stuff and Donald Trump would never let his kids go to school – a public school … Trump said in a May 22 interview, “I don’t want to have guns in classrooms, although in some cases, teachers should have guns in classrooms…
Bob Dole: 'I Can't Vote for George Washington, So I'm Supporting Trump'
Trump and General Washington: the first president had military service, church leadership, and a magnanimous ability to listen before … Trump is as near an opposite on each of these things as possible, and the comparison is telling. Who Will Be Trump’s VP? … Next Page: Who would Bob Dole tell Trump to tap as VP? Where does he see himself on The Donald’s team?…
Is Fauxcahontas Auditioning for VP?
– Survey says… Elizabeth Warren will call Donald Trump “a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud” in a speech to a progressive legal group … Trump. … to vote for her BECAUSE HISTORIC.…
Trump Calls Elizabeth Warren Racist While Scott Brown Demands She Take DNA Test…en-racist-while-scott-brown-demands-she-take-dna-test-n44148
– “You want to see goofy? Look at him in that hat.” “But when — when Donald Trump says great, I ask great for who, exactly? Yeah. … For families that don’t fly to Scotland to play golf?” she continued. … Brown, who brushed off questions about whether he was being vetted for VP by Trump, told reporters on the RNC call that Warren “has…
Trump: Tom Cotton and Chris Christie 'Both Great,' 'High on List for Something,' Possibly VP…tie-both-great-high-on-list-for-something-possibly-vp-n46944
– While Trump said he couldn’t give any clues regarding his veep pick, he had very positive things to say about both of them. … During his interview with Trump, Hewitt asked if he would be willing to name some of his cabinet choices prior to the election, something … That answer seemed to cheer Hewitt, who has been somewhat skeptical of Trump so far this election season.…
Trump Announces His Running Mate ... Little Donald!
– As Fallon walked onto the podium marked “TRUMP,” he started by responding to the applause, saying, “Thank me, thank me, thank me.” … But this was just the beginning of his tributes to The Donald’s “fantastic” ego. … So allow me to introduce your next vice president, little Donald!”…
Warren Hitting Campaign Trail Against 'Looniest of the Right-Wing Lunatics'…ign-trail-against-looniest-of-the-right-wing-lunatics-n44142
– With VP speculation swirling, Sen. … Trump said on Fox Monday night that he regrets calling Warren “Pocahontas” — “because I think it’s a tremendous insult to Pocahontas … “So, Pocahontas, I would like to apologize to you,” Trump added. Is Fauxcahontas Auditioning for VP? |…
N.J. Voters Not Singing Christie's Tune When It Comes to VP Pick
– After hearing his friend’s support for Trump, the young voter responded, “If I had to vote I would have to go with Trump though because … A man who said he used to work at a Trump-owned property said he plans to support Trump but did not elaborate. … And I believe Trump knows how to work with people so he’s going to win regardless of what we think,” he said.…
See How Bobby Jindal Fired Back at Clinton on Iran Letter
– into Iran’s nuclear program,” Clinton said to a horde of reporters at the United Nations on Tuesday who were waiting to hear her email … And one has to ask, what was the purpose of this letter?” “There appear to be two logical answers. … Either these senators were trying to be helpful to the Iranians or harmful to the commander- in-chief in the midst of high-stakes international…
Pence Urges CPAC Activists to 'Make Voices Heard' at Angry GOP Town Halls…tivists-to-make-voices-heard-at-angry-gop-town-halls-n107569
– It’s the greatest privilege of my life to be vice president to a leader of such conviction, vision, and courage. … President Trump and I want every American to have access to quality and affordable health insurance, which is why we’re designing a … “We’ve got to mobilize.…
What's Up? Obama Meeting with Deep-Pocketed Donors, Warren Buffet, Tech Leaders...…with-deep-pocketed-donors-warren-buffet-tech-leaders-n50789
– the Trump administration in every way conceivable: installing, according to the New York Post, a “shadow government,” dubbed Organizing … Remember last November when Obama said that he would try to withhold criticism of Trump and give him “room to govern”? … Judge Napolitano: Obama Used British Intel Organization to Spy on Trump        …
Middlebury Student: Riot Was Not Rioters' Fault
– They crowded Murray, Stranger, and college VP of communications Bill Burger to the point that the security escort could make contact … We’ve seen a Trump supporter dragged from his vehicle and beaten not that long ago, and it’s not unreasonable to believe people shoving … , and he doesn’t want to admit to himself that he’s guilty.…
Millennial Women Respond: 'Tomi Lahren Doesn't Speak for Us'…lennial-women-respond-tomi-lahren-doesnt-speak-for-us-n50887
– Even from the beginning, she seemed like a shill for Trump, certainly not the long-awaited feminine heroine we had in mind to stand … I want them to root their politics to an ideology, not their sex, to vote their conscience, not vow their blind allegiance to a party … , to think, not react, to learn, not just rant.…
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