Results for: hillary

Fighting Fire with Fire
– Look at everybody, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, James Comey… Further, I urge all conservatives to check out Media Equalizer, an…
RNC Contractor Exposes Data on Nearly 200M Voters: Should You Be Worried?…oses-data-on-nearly-200m-voters-should-you-be-worried-n52117
– the American electoral process, and the WikiLeaks publication of emails from key Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffers and Hillary
The Attack on 'Julius Caesar' Was Wrong in Every Way
– I voted for Donald Trump in large part because I thought Hillary Clinton would destroy the First and Second Amendments. …
Game Changer
– As late as 2016 it was possible to imagine an America led to a “progressive” future by Hillary Clinton;  an EU guiding all of Europe…
Gingrich on Russia Probe: ‘Somebody, Somewhere is Going to be Convicted of Something’…body-somewhere-is-going-to-be-convicted-of-something-n110333
– investigation to the Salem witch trials on Friday and suggested that special counsel Robert Mueller expand his probe to cover Bill and Hillary … What happened election night was the Democrats said Hillary can’t have lost and certainly Donald Trump can’t have won, so somebody … the lobbying firm the Podesta Group and brother of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta.…
Hillary Clinton Compared Herself to Wonder Woman?!?
– Here’s footage of Hillary Clinton’s video message to a group of female filmmakers, in which she compares herself to Wonder Woman! … Hillary never served in any military capacity, and her viewpoints on Israel are questionable. … In fact, Hillary lied about being under fire in Bosnia. And third, Wonder Woman never wears pantsuits.…
Albany Students Who Fabricated Hate Crime Avoid Prison
– Public figures, including then-candidate Hillary Clinton, used the highly questionable incident for racial pandering: There's no … excuse for racism and violence on a college campus. -H — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 4, 2016…
The Lawyers' Civil War
– Sanders, leaks about which embarrassed Hillary Clinton. Sen.…
Chaldean Christians: President Trump Has 'Utterly Betrayed' Us
– We understood there was a direct failure by the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton to protect this ancient community,” which…
Gohmert: 'Absolutely Fantastic' if Trump Seen as 'Crazy' on World Stage
– Comey “cannot be trusted” is he did not put a memo together after former Attorney General Loretta Lynch told him to refer to the Hillary … They put sanctions in place and Obama and Hillary Clinton, their position is ‘we want to rush over and beg Putin to forgive us for…
The Morning Briefing: 'What Is This?' Asks Sessions, Real Hacking Ignored, Rolling Stone to Pay Out and Much, Much More…g-ignored-rolling-stone-to-pay-out-and-much-much-more-n52035
– Not concerned enough to taint Hillary Clinton’s victory and ascendancy to the presidency with doubt, of course. … ‘A F*cking Piece Of Sh*t’ Those are the words of a “long time Democratic” strategist when describing the Hillary Clinton presidential … “The country’s waking up shocked to what he’s doing because Hillary didn’t actually explain to anybody what he was going to do when…
GOP Operative Contacted Hackers in Search for Clinton's Emails, Claimed Ties to Flynn…s-in-search-for-clintons-emails-claimed-ties-to-flynn-n52232
– The story features a now deceased (he was 81 years old) GOP opposition research operative who was trying to find Hillary Clinton’s … Media reported that according to multiple sources, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees had access to tens of thousands of Hillary … information, including one document relating to Benghazi that probably should have been highly classified and comes from one of Hillary
Twitter Is Pondering Option to Let Users Flag and Report 'Fake News'
– One estimate from the service Twitter Audit found that 59 percent of President Trump’s followers are bots or fake accounts, while Hillary
Senate Judiciary Committee Starting to Focus on Obama Administration Surveillance and Unmasking…us-on-obama-administration-surveillance-and-unmasking-n52211
– But Rice mentioned other prominent female figures – like Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice – who faced “ad hominem” attacks, suggesting…
Salon Stops Pretending to Be Journalists, Won't Publish Trump's Name
– After all, I have little doubt that Hillary Clinton wouldn’t be subjected to the scrutiny that Trump has been, and I’m not a particular…
Circa: FBI's Investigation of Michael Flynn Sure Looks Like a Case of Political Retaliation…flynn-sure-looks-like-a-case-of-political-retaliation-n52189
– Wall Street Journal, that a political action committee affiliated with Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who has ties to Bill and Hillary
Tunisia's 'Moderate Muslim Brotherhood' Leader Implicated in Assassination of Political Rival…leader-implicated-in-assassination-of-political-rival-n97158
– — Islamism Map (@IslamismMap) February 9, 2017 And yet, the Obama administration — particularly Hillary
Nancy Pelosi: If Hillary Had Won, I Might Have Resigned
– She also claimed that, if Hillary had won the election, she might have stepped down. So Democrats are stuck with her?…
Report: FBI Collaborated with Dem Oppo Research Firm to Smear Trump
– According to Sperry, the firm’s founders are “more political activists than journalists” and have “a pro-Hillary, anti-Trump agenda … Fritsch contributed at least $1,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund and the Hillary For America campaign, Federal Election Commission data … They didn’t want to hurt Hillary?” It looks like a shift in focus may be beginning to take place.…
The Morning Briefing: CNN Spanks Itself, SCOTUS Watch, Kislyak Bounces and Much, Much More…tself-scotus-watch-kislyak-bounces-and-much-much-more-n52171
– Report: Firm behind salacious Trump dossier has ties to Hillary Clinton, Democrats Paul Sperry at the New York Post has the scoop … actually an opposition-research group for Democrats, and the founders, who are more political activists than journalists, have a pro-Hillary
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