Results for: hillary

Jarrett 'Not Sure' Why Obamacare 'Ever Became a Political Issue'
– Jarrett expressed frustration when reflecting on Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 presidential election.…
Comey on Trump Meetings: 'Lordy, I Hope There are Tapes... Release the Tapes'…tings-lordy-i-hope-there-are-tapes-release-the-tapes-n110105
– He also further explained to Lankford why, in the Hillary Clinton email investigation, he went over Attorney General Loretta Lynch’…
Comey: Lynch Wanted Clinton Probe Called 'Matter,' Not 'Investigation'…ked-me-to-cover-up-investigation-into-hillary-clinton-n88715
– It was actually Loretta Lynch, President Obama’s attorney general, who asked him to lie about the probe into Hillary Clinton’s email … administration tried to block an ongoing investigation, it’s huge news; but if he says the Obama administration tried to cover up the Hillary
CNN’s Aslan Fires Expletives at Trump, but Not the Jihadis
– Leftists generally deny that there is any connection between Islam and terror; recall Hillary Clinton’s infamous reality-challenged…
The Morning Briefing: It's 'National Comey Testimony Day'
– Of course, the Obama admin would say that they thought Hillary was going to win and didn’t want her ascendancy tainted by claims the … Other morsels: Russian crime syndicate charged with stealing 10,000 pounds of chocolate Pervy pedophile wearing Hillary Clinton…
Franken: Kathy Griffin Should Come Back with ‘I Effed Up Tour’
– During the discussion, Franken revealed that he sought advice from Tamera Luzzatto, Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff, before…
FBI Raids Dearborn Home in Connection with National Security Investigation…me-in-connection-with-national-security-investigation-n96649
– Contrary to some reports from alt-right outlets, the raid had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin.…
Mike Pence Says Catholicism Is 'An Eternal Foundation in My Life'
– Indeed, it was his stances on these very positions that arguably made him a better Roman Catholic vice presidential candidate than Hillary
Breaking: NSA Leaker 'Reality Winner' Arrested by FBI
– ‘The Intercept’ NSA Scoop Based on Stolen Classified Docs Long-time readers who have been following the Hillary Clinton emails story…
Putin on Trump-Russia: 'You Created a Sensation Out of Nothing'
– After all, it was Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, who orchestrated the sale of a fifth of American uranium production to a Russian…
The Morning Briefing: Gore Called Out on Climate Change…raffic-controllers-gore-called-out-and-much-much-more-n51903
– Warner even distanced himself from twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s claim that America helped “weaponize” information … The media barely covered the WikiLeaks emails because it was damaging for Hillary.…
Meanwhile, Back in These United States...
– to Trump, and that the Trump campaign somehow “colluded” with the Russians in order to swing the tide of public opinion against Hillary … But now, having created the false narrative of the Russians somehow preventing Hillary Clinton from campaigning in Wisconsin, the light…
Senate Judiciary Announces Probe Into Loretta Lynch's Behavior During 2016 Election…obe-into-loretta-lynchs-behavior-during-2016-election-n52162
– Friday that it has opened a probe into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s possible interference in the FBI’s investigation of Hillary … strikes me as total corruption and the appropriate oversight committees should bring in Loretta Lynch, bring in James Comey, bring in Hillary … “There’s a difference between criminalizing political differences” and investigating Hillary Clinton’s alleged crimes, Murdock argued…
As America's Arab Muslim Allies Move Against the Muslim Brotherhood, 'Smart Set' Doubles Down on Support…the-muslim-brotherhood-smart-set-doubles-down-support-n97055
– cooperated' with Brotherhood in #Egypt, #Tunisia, #Syria & #Libya — Gulf News (@gulf_news) June 19, 2014 Hillary
The Morning Briefing: Trump Rally, Jeh Johnson, Scalise Update and Much, Much More…p-rally-jeh-johnson-scalise-update-and-much-much-more-n52137
– : If you’re not afraid of a gun, get one CIA employees fired after stealing over $3,000 in vending machine snacks Why does Hillary
DNC Has Worst Fundraising May Since 2003
Hillary Clinton raised more than a billion in 2016. Presumably, all that money came from Democrats.…
Democrats Are Blaming Donald Trump for Obama Admin's Failure to Notify Public About Russian Interference?!?…s-failure-to-notify-public-about-russian-interference-n88865
– Russian interference sooner, but they’re saying Trump should’ve relented about hacking because they could have fed the information to Hillary
Cato Campaign Study: Tapping Into White Identity Politics Won't Pay Off…udy-tapping-into-white-identity-politics-wont-pay-off-n42630
– Ekins and Griffin were asked ultimately whether Trump won the election, or if Hillary Clinton lost, given that they were two of the…
Democrat Rep. Says Identity Politics Have Hijacked Her Party
Hillary Clinton’s campaign seemed to ignore her warning and went on to lose Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.…
The Morning Briefing: Oss-Kicking in Georgia, Jeh Johnson Testifies and Much, Much More…g-in-georgia-jeh-johnson-testifies-and-much-much-more-n52128
– We learned the DNC was pulling for Hillary over her opponent Sanders in the primary, and we learned some unflattering things about … HINT: they thought Hillary was going to win and did not want to de-legitimize her election, that’s why.…
5 Take-Aways From Karen Handel's Victory Over Jon Ossoff
– In the presidential election, Hillary Clinton outspent Donald Trump by a factor of 2-to-1, pro-Clinton ads outnumbered pro-Trump ads…
Hollywood YUUUGE Loser in Georgia Sixth
– narcissists talk with Ossoff again, now that he has lost by a solid margin, more than predicted, failing to do any better than Hillary … He supported that long before Obama or Hillary came around.…
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