Results for: hillary

Fake News Sells. Ask the Legacy Media
– For example: The one falsely claiming that Pope Francis had endorsed Donald Trump, or the one alleging without basis that Hillary Clinton…
Hillary Clinton Admits to Drinking Wine to Get Over Election Result...
Hillary Clinton gave the commencement address at her alma mater, Wellesley College, and told the college grads assembled that alcohol … Al Sharpton Slams Hillary: ‘You Took Your Base for Granted’…
Dem Bill Would Require ‘Good Cause’ for FBI Director Dismissal
– Rosenstein criticized Comey’s handling of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email…
Greg Gianforte Campaign Raised $100K After Candidate Assaulted Reporter…mpaign-raised-100k-after-candidate-assaulted-reporter-n51766
– — Mule Skinner Blues (@Joninvent) May 26, 2017 In fact, Gianforte even won counties that voted for Hillary Clinton last November…
New CMP Video Shows Abortion 'Trade Show,' Gruesome Baby Parts Secrets
– It did not prevent Hillary Clinton from saying that America would face a “Handmaid’s Tale” future without the “moral force” of Planned…
Rod Rosenstein Says There's No Reason to Fire Mueller
– prosecutor Rosenstein hired, former FBI Director Mueller, is now under fire for bringing in staff investigators who donated to Hillary
Report: Comey Presented Lynch with Evidence She Agreed to 'Put the Kibosh' on Clinton Investigation…she-agreed-to-put-the-kibosh-on-clinton-investigation-n52033
– of evidence” that suggested that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch had agreed to “put the kibosh” on any plans to prosecute Hillary
The Parameters of Attorney General Sessions’s Recusal
– recusal from campaigns (plural), there is a good argument that he intended to recuse himself for any investigations related to the Hillary
Desperate Activists Dress as 'Handmaids' to Protest Ohio Abortion Bill
– Nevertheless, politicians like Hillary Clinton have warned that if Planned Parenthood loses federal funding, America will devolve into … The fact that Hillary Clinton and NARAL Pro-Choice America decided to push this narrative shows just how far gone this abortion movement…
Article on Talking to 'White Working Class Without Insulting Them' Loaded With Insults…king-class-without-insulting-them-loaded-with-insults-n52023
– The clueless, classless Chotiner and Williams go on to say the exact same false, clueless, elitist pap that cost Hillary Clinton the … And if you tallied up the time that Hillary Clinton spent talking about jobs for the American people versus Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton … And if you look at their websites Hillary Clinton has more plans, or had, for Americans without college degrees than Donald Trump does…
5 Things to Know About the Virginia Governor Primary
– assembly has endorsed him, as have Governor Terry McAuliffe, the state’s Democrat congressmen, and even Senator Tim Kaine, who was Hillary
Kevin Spacey as Bill Clinton Slams Hillary... At the Tony Awards!
– You wouldn’t expect a Hollywood star like Kevin Spacey to do a joke at Hillary Clinton’s expense, and you certainly wouldn’t expect…
Nobody Leave the Room
– Just how confusing things have become was shown by Van Jones, who speaking at the People’s Summit in Chicago, denounced Hillary Clinton … “The Hillary Clinton campaign did not spend their money on white workers, and they did not spend it on people of color.…
Feinstein Calls for Probe of Loretta Lynch's Handling of Email Investigation…robe-of-loretta-lynch-handling-of-email-investigation-n52001
– called for an investigation into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s actions in connection with the federal investigation into Hillary … tarmac last year convinced FBI Director James Comey there was no way the Justice Department could conduct an independent probe of Hillary … Clearly, Lynch was running interference for Hillary.…
Conflicting Reports About Trump Visit to Great Britain
– And he called for an end to the “collective whinge-o-rama” that followed Hillary Clinton’s defeat.…
Corruption and Collusion: Obama, Comey, and the Press
– In an apparent attempt to help Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Lynch told Comey to refer to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s abuse … underscored Comey’s sense of her crookedness that the self-serving drama queen Comey actually went around her to publicly declare Hillary … This is the Comey who let Hillary off the hook because he somehow knew she didn’t intend to share classified information (a matter …
Government Owes Taxpayers Billions for Wasted Russia Investigation
– That’s because we have learned exactly nothing from these empty events,  except that Donald Trump (like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton…
Mark Levin: 'Russian Intervention in U.S. Election Is on Obama and Democrats, Not on Trump'…n-u-s-election-is-on-obama-and-democrats-not-on-trump-n51988
– The Democrats and Hillary Clinton and the media have concocted a scandal,” popular conservative radio talker Mark Levin said when he…
Potential Next Democratic Presidential Nominee Drops 'F' Bombs in Speech
– More significantly, she worked on Hillary Clinton’s first Senate campaign in 1999 and sees the disgraced candidate as something of…
Study: What a Community's 'Churched' Status Says About How They Voted in 2016…rched-or-dechurched-says-about-how-they-voted-in-2016-n98556
– Interestingly, despite Nevada going to Hillary Clinton in 2016, she actually only took two counties: Clark County, which is home to…
Ben Shapiro Takes Aim at Myth of 'Toxic Masculinity'
Hillary Clinton spoke last month at a Planned Parenthood gala where drinks called “toxic masculinity” were served; she explained that…
'Obstruction of Justice' Wikipedia Entry Edited to Include Donald Trump
– During his testimony Thursday, Comey explained that Lynch told him only to refer to the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton as a…
The Morning Briefing: America's Comey-Rorschach Test, Tories Lose and Much, Much More…s-comey-rorschach-test-tories-lose-and-much-much-more-n51979
– I would think it’s not, because if Loretta Lynch wanted Comey to say the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s home-brewed email…
Jarrett 'Not Sure' Why Obamacare 'Ever Became a Political Issue'
– Jarrett expressed frustration when reflecting on Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 presidential election.…
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