Results for: hillary

Dem Senator Thinks Comey Firing Could Lead to Impeachment?!?
– Maxine Waters Thinks It Would’ve Been Fine for Hillary to Fire Comey, But Doesn’t Support Trump Firing Him…
Oversight Chairman Asks DOJ Inspector General to Probe Comey Firing…man-asks-doj-inspector-general-to-probe-comey-firing-n109385
– Government Reform Committee asked the Justice Department’s inspector general to expand an existing probe into the FBI’s handling of Hillary … their recommendation on the Director’s decision to publicize the results of the FBI’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary
The Morning Briefing: Comey-Narrative Hostage Crisis Day Two and Much, Much More…y-narrative-hostage-crisis-day-two-and-much-much-more-n51534
– reportedly declined to share his testimony before a May 3 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing regarding his handling of the probe into Hillary … their grandchildren and not at all about the investigation Lynch’s agency was conducting on his failed presidential candidate wife Hillary
Maxine Waters Tells Reporter 'You're Not Confused' About Her Hypocrisy
– Right after Waters flatly declared that Hillary Clinton, had she won the election, should have fired Comey (right after excoriating … Maxine Waters Thinks It Would’ve Been Fine for Hillary to Fire Comey, Not Trump   The Constitution: Treason Doesn’t Mean…
Liberals Now Using the 'Lock 'Em Up' Chant Against Trump
– Liberals hate cultural appropriation, but they themselves are appropriating a chant that Republicans were using against Hillary Clinton…
Senate Intelligence Committee Invites Comey, Subpoenas Flynn
– noted that Trump expressed happiness with Comey after the late October revelation that the FBI was looking into a new batch of Hillary
Sen. Grassley Tells Dems to 'Suck It Up' After Comey Firing
– The administration’s rationale for dumping Comey was that he had mishandled the investigation of Hillary Clinton last summer.…
Colbert Has to Remind His Audience That They Like Comey Now...
– He can’t be an independent, non-biased investigator and also an agent of the Republicans to make Hillary lose.…
In Clinton Caper, Comey Was the Most Visible Player, Not the Most Consequential…s-the-most-visible-player-not-the-most-consequential-n123981
– There could have been no indictment against Hillary Clinton unless the Obama Justice Department approved it. … The Obama Justice Department was never, ever going to indict Hillary Clinton. … What the public would see was Hillary “exonerated” after the FBI “left no stone unturned.”…
Reporter Pushes Schumer on Comey Double Standard
– Before President Trump fired James Comey from his FBI post, Democrats were saying they distrusted him because of how he handled the Hillary
The Morning Briefing: Easy Comey, Easy Go
– sent a letter Tuesday evening aiming to clear up false statements said by Director James Comey to Congress last week that former Hillary
Blistering Media Fallout in the Wake of Trump's Decision to Dump Comey
– The administration’s rationale that Comey mishandled the investigation of Hillary Clinton last summer leads to the question: Why wasn…
Comey's Out. Who's Next for Rosenstein?
– If I were Hillary Clinton, I’d be afraid.  I’d be very afraid. … “well-established process for other officials to step in” to lead to something yet more dramatic — the renewed investigation of Hillary … It’s Hillary who has a lot to worry about.  …
Less and less nuance
– Comey, if you are to believe Hillary, is the man who stole the election from her.  In November of 2016 “Mrs. … part on recommendations by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to Sessions arguing Comey usurped Loretta Lynch’s authority and improperly let Hillary
Senate Intel Chairman 'Troubled by Timing and Reasoning' of Comey Termination…roubled-by-timing-and-reasoning-of-comey-termination-n109342
– Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s authority last summer by holding a press conference on the results of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin Says Comey Firing 'Is Not Normal, Is Not Politics as Usual'…s-comey-firing-is-not-normal-is-not-politics-as-usual-n88456
Hillary Clinton claims she would’ve won had it not been for Comey’s letter. … Hillary Clinton: I Was Winning Until James Comey and Wikileaks Scared People Off…
Trump Fires FBI Director Comey
– agency’s ongoing criminal investigation into potential collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, and defended his handling of Hillary … It was revealed Monday that Comey overstated the amount of Hillary Clinton’s emails Huma Abedin forwarded to Anthony Weiner to print…
The Morning Briefing: AHCA Fallout, EPA Clean Sweep, Yates Testifies...and Much More…fallout-epa-clean-sweep-yates-testifies-and-much-more-n51490
– resistance Teacher accused of letting students beat Trump pinata Barbra Streisand wonders ‘what might have been’ with President Hillary
Waiting ... waiting
Hillary Clinton in her latest attempt to reinvent herself revealed an off-beat turn. … “I thought she’d disappear,” referring to Hillary and boy was he wrong. Nothing goes away any more.   … Communism will never die and Hillary runs in 3020.…
Obama Communications Director Doubts Hillary Would Have Won Before Comey
Hillary Clinton and her cohorts have been making the rounds telling people that she would be president now if it weren’t for FBI Director … Share on Facebook if you think Hillary Clinton was just not a very good candidate. … Kellyanne Conway Got a Sick Burn in on Hillary Clinton’s ‘Resistance’…
Chris Matthews 'Went Along' with Polls 'Because I Used to Think They Were Honest'…g-with-polls-because-i-used-to-think-they-were-honest-n42599
– PJM mentioned that the media cited pre-election polls showed Hillary Clinton winning. … When they polled people with a live person on the phone, Hillary won by 8.…
Gay Church Organist Busted in Trump Hate Crime Hoax
– six-month investigation, the Brown County prosecuting attorney’s office determined that it was the congregation’s own organist—a Hillary
Kellyanne Conway Got a Sick Burn in on Hillary Clinton's 'Resistance'
– Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s leading media defender, got in a really sick burn on Hillary Clinton announcing that she would be working…
SJWs Compare GOP Health Care Bill to 'The Handmaid's Tale'
– dystopia as a fictionalized version of President Donald Trump’s America are merely following the lead of former Secretary of State Hillary
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