Results for: the daily caller

MoveOn Petition Attacks MSNBC's Chris Matthews as Clinton 'Shill'
– Matthews should be removed from the air for the duration of the campaign or he should be required to give Bernie equal time. … The Daily Caller recently discovered that Clinton donors are funding Matthews’ wife in her Maryland congressional race. … Not all the signers were liberal, however.…
Former Obama Defense Chief Says Hillary Should Drop Out
– Flynn (Ret.) told The Daily Caller. Flynn led the DIA from July 2012 until August 2014. … James Williamson (Ret.) told The Daily Caller. Col. James Waurishuk, former deputy director of intelligence for the U.S. … Daily Caller.…
Kerry Confirms: Foggy Bottom Created Secure Email Account for Hillary, Which Went Unused…ed-secure-email-account-for-hillary-which-went-unused-n45621
– Via The Daily Caller: During one part of an at-times intense exchange, Wisconsin Sen. … “Do you know if the intelligence community has taken any actions to mitigate the harm by the potential — that our enemies might have … v=KgCC5e9JZd0] The country’s in the very best of hands.…
ACU Shames Rubio for 'Rookie Mistake' of Skipping CPAC
– Rubio cannot have it both ways:  he cannot hope to be the inspirational leader of conservatives and at the same time hide at the very … moments when activists who comprise the heart and soul of the movement assemble and organize.  … A Rubio campaign aide told The Daily Caller that it’s still possible that the senator will attend CPAC, saying: “Our March schedule…
Sen. Chuck Grassley Cites 'Biden Rules' to Justify Blocking Obama Supreme Court Nominee…rules-to-justify-blocking-obama-supreme-court-nominee-n45613
– guide the Senate during the nomination process. … Via The Daily Caller: The Biden Rules recognize ‘the framers intended the Senate to take the broadest view of its constitutional … The Biden Rules recognize the court can operate smoothly with eight members for some time, and ‘the cost of such a result, the need…
Democrats Struggle to Explain Past Statements on Supreme Court Vacancies…to-explain-past-statements-on-supreme-court-vacancies-n45611
– This is what the junior senator from Illinois said at the time about the Senate’s role in confirming nominees. … When asked by the Daily Caller’s Kerry Picket to comment on his and Biden’s past statements regarding the court, Schumer said, “Look … The Daily Caller asked Schumer about his past statement about blocking George W.…
Obama to Skip Nancy Reagan's Funeral; Will to Go to SXSW Instead
– Michelle Obama will attend the funeral in his stead according to the Washington Post.   … Via The Daily Caller: Following the former first lady’s death Monday, Obama said, “As somebody who is lucky enough to have an extraordinary … Obama called the former first lady later that day to apologize for the “for the careless and offhanded remark.”…
The 5 Critical Keys to Making Something Go Viral
The two red spikes shown to the right of the graph below are the interactions of Fox News’ page. … The two spikes were the result of the network’s coverage of the 2016 election results and the presidential inauguration that followed … right-wing news media—including Breitbart, Daily Caller, and the Western Journal—did not have anywhere near the kind of engagement…
The Morning Briefing: A Strange Whistleblower Raid and Much, Much More
– I’m not the only one asking. Last month, the FBI raided the home of an official whistleblower. … ,” reports Richard Pollack at the Daily Caller. … The Daily Caller News Foundation, in a bombshell report, detailed how 16 FBI agents raided the home of Dennis Cain, a former employee…
Why Michael Flynn Was Set Up
– To be on the wrong side of history is to be on the wrong side of the army of liberal sycophants who populate the federal government … In case this worries you, Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller details the “several” investigations that Flynn likely cooperated with, including … “The president sets the priorities and he’s the number one customer.…
Google Tracks Users in Incognito Mode, Study Finds
– “The incognito mode is a lie, that’s what they found,” Epstein, whose research features prominently in the recent film “The Creepy … “All the article does is toe the line. … Last week, the Daily Caller unveiled more emails, showing Google executives scheming against conservative media outlets.…
Sen. Grassley Writes to FBI Director Christopher Wray Requesting Info on Whistleblower Raid…hristopher-wray-requesting-info-on-whistleblower-raid-n62457
– As The Daily Caller exclusively reported on Friday, the raid happened after former FBI contractor Dennis Nathan Cain privately transmitted … The FBI confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation that on November 19 “the FBI conducted court-authorized law enforcement activity … — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) December 4, 2018 “On November 19, 2018, the Federal Bureau of Investigation…
Comey Makes a Deal With House Republicans to Testify
The Daily Caller reports: Comey sought a public hearing, claiming in a court filing Thursday that he feared “selective leaks” from … privately during the course of the committees’ investigation of the Clinton and Trump probes. … The Committee intends to issue a joint report (together with [the House Oversight Committee]) before the end of the 115th Congress…
Google Bias Against Conservative News Is 'Much More Dangerous' Than China's Actions, Expert Says…ve-news-is-much-more-dangerous-than-china-expert-says-n62393
– On Thursday, the Daily Caller’s Peter Hasson reported leaked emails showing Google executives scheming to isolate conservative news … sites in the wake of the 2016 election. … “How many times did you see the Election now card with items from opinion blogs (Breitbart, Daily Caller) elevated next to legitimate…
FBI Raids Recognized Whistleblower's Home for Clinton Foundation Docs…nized-whistleblowers-home-for-clinton-foundation-docs-n62365
– of Justice whistleblower earlier this month, Richard Pollock of The Daily Caller News Foundation reported in a shocking exclusive … purchased Uranium One, a document reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation alleges. … The agents raided the whistleblower’s home on the morning of Nov. 19, Socarras told the DCNF.…
The Morning Briefing: No Khashoggi Smoking Gun and Much, Much More
– Good thing Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller lays out the story for you. … The media and the left are looking to blow up the U.S.’s relationship with KSA over Khashoggi’s murder, which was conveniently leaked … Conspiracy theorists floated the idea the Haspel was prevented from speaking about the tape but a CIA spooksman said the “notion that…
Tennessee Dem Asks Google CEO to Probe 'Overuse of Conservative News Organizations' in Search Results…of-conservative-news-organizations-in-search-results-n118880
– in the search engine’s top-news category “have a wide variety of sources including sources from the left and sources from the right … Is that the case?” Smith asked. … “This weekend I was on MSNBC four times, and yet the first thing that comes up is The Daily Caller, not exactly a liberal, but I guess…
Christopher Steele Gave Copies of Trump Dossier to a McCain Pal, a Paul Ryan Aide, and a GOP Rep. in Late 2016…ccain-pal-a-paul-ryan-aide-and-a-gop-rep-in-late-2016-n62684
– ,” the judge wrote. … However, he was aware of and had read the dossier prior to its publication,” AshLee Strong told The Daily Caller News Foundation. … Kinzinger’s office did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.  …
Lanny Davis Puts a Fork in Steele Dossier Claim that Michael Cohen Went to Prague in 2016…ssier-claim-that-michael-cohen-went-to-prague-in-2016-n91801
– Via The Daily Caller: Written by former British spy Christopher Steele, the dossier alleges a vast conspiracy between the Trump team … The claims about Cohen are perhaps the most specific of any made about alleged collusion in the 35-page report. … Democrats have spent the past two years defending the Steele dossier by claiming that none of the allegations have been disproved.…
Rep. Hank Johnson Compares Trump to Hitler, Says MAGA Supporters Are 'Less Educated,' 'Dying Early'…er-says-maga-supporters-are-less-educated-dying-early-n91822
– Johnson gave the dystopian speech at the Friendship Baptist Church in Atlanta for the local NAACP chapter’s Jubilee marking the 156th … In reaction to Johnson’s comments, an Anti-Defamation League spokesperson told The Daily Caller: We appreciate Rep. … “The audience applauded the vicious words of a person best known to America for telling the commander of the Pacific Fleet that Guam…
Dems Refuse to Listen to DHS Sec. Nielsen's Border Security Briefing at White House…sec-nielsens-border-security-briefing-at-white-house-n62851
– “a little disappointed with, I would say, some on the other side” because even amid the national security crisis on the border, the … A White House official told The Daily Caller that the general consensus in the room was that negotiations would be put on hold until … According to the Caller, Nielsen’s briefing was set up to explain the impact of the growing migrant crisis on the southern border.…
Watch: Store Clerk Loses His Mind When Man Wearing Trump Gear Walks In…his-mind-when-man-wearing-trump-gear-walks-into-store-n62787
– Even better is the reaction of the Trump supporter. … [LANGUAGE WARNING] The Daily Caller: Later in the video, the clerk begins to ring the customer up but is set off again when … The owners of the store actually did the right thing: “To our friends and customers,” the post read, according to Breitbart.…
Obama-Era Pro-Union Rule Struck Down
The Daily Caller: The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled in 2015 that companies and franchisers with “indirect and direct … The D.C. … The board is expected to pass a final rule by June. The rule threatened the franchise business model. …
Top 50 Conservative Websites for 2018
The Daily Caller, and ZeroHedge. … Now on to the rankings: Drudge Report Breitbart News The Daily Caller ZeroHedge The Western Journal The Daily Wire The Gateway Pundit … NewsBusters Power Line The Washington Free Beacon The Heritage Foundation Lucianne The Daily Signal The Weekly Standard…
Columbia Student in Anguish Because She Has to Read Books by White People…anguish-because-she-has-to-read-books-by-white-people-n44584
– , the most tolerant civilization in the history of the human race — Western civilization. … Daily Caller: Aya attributed some of her academic troubles to the trauma of having to take Columbia’s current Core Curriculum, which … the school groveling in the dust.…
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