Results for: hillary
Comey Confirms Ongoing Investigation Into Russia, Potential Campaign Ties…ng-investigation-into-russia-potential-campaign-ties-n108102…ng-investigation-into-russia-potential-campaign-ties-n108102
there was “no change” in the early January assessment from intelligence agencies that Russia staged a multi-front op to “denigrate” Hillary … Trump or Hillary Clinton, and their associates in 2016?”…
Israel, American Jews Far Apart on Trump
Seventy-one percent of American Jews voted for Hillary Clinton for president, and a new poll shows only 31 percent of them — 11 points…
Amy Schumer Blames 'Alt Right Organized Trolls' for Bad Netflix Show Reviews…right-organized-trolls-for-bad-netflix-show-reviews-n166914…right-organized-trolls-for-bad-netflix-show-reviews-n166914
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Schumer openly supported Hillary Clinton, declaring at one point that those who did not like … Amazon Reviews Give Hillary Book 5 Stars: ‘So I Don’t Get Straight-Up Murdered’
Other stand-up connoisseurs critiqued her style.…
Why Is Donna Brazile Finally Confessing Now?
What she means is that she regrets having been discovered leaking questions in advance to the taxidermist’s dummy standing in for Hillary … I started to fight to ensure that Bernie and Hillary had an opportunity to talk about these issues, talk about the Flint water crisis…
Russian Bank Claims Trump Server Story May Have Been a Hoax
According to Circa, one of the computer scientists who advanced the story about the Trump-Russia connections is a Hillary Clinton supporter … Then we find out it’s advanced by someone who has a Hillary Clinton sentiment.…
Will Trump Side With Democrats on Prescription Drug Prices?
During the campaign, he took the same position as both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders that drug prices had to be reduced.…
Trump Wants to Return to Original Travel Ban, Take It to Supreme Court…turn-to-original-travel-ban-take-it-to-supreme-court-n108017…turn-to-original-travel-ban-take-it-to-supreme-court-n108017
the Constitution give the President the power to suspend immigration when he deems — or she — or she — fortunately it will not be Hillary-she…
The Left's Hilarious Preoccupation with Trump and Russia
throwing her knees up on whatever couch was handy, and together they devised a scheme to ensure that only WikiLeaks harmful to Hillary…
Don Lemon Reprimanded His Viewers for Wanting Info About the Susan Rice Scandal…viewers-for-wanting-info-about-the-susan-rice-scandal-n88028…viewers-for-wanting-info-about-the-susan-rice-scandal-n88028
Loretta Lynch Recused Herself from Hillary Email Probes…
Revealed: Colonel Mustard Was Really Susan Rice
While “we’ve got to get this out or Hillary will lose” might not seem intelligence-related, I suspect that it would be very, very hard … Leaking it, however, is definitely a crime — see 18USC793 (under which Hillary Clinton should have been charged) and 50USC1803.…
A 'Religious Left' Movement Rises to Fight President Trump
Into April, Christian leaders wrestled with supporting the candidate, and even in the general election (when Trump faced in Hillary…
Tucker Carlson’s Strange Love for Pro-Communist Stephen F. Cohen…ve-for-pro-communist-stephen-f-cohen-expert-on-russia-n51030…ve-for-pro-communist-stephen-f-cohen-expert-on-russia-n51030
back to the limelight—being the one Leftist in the United States to poo-poo the fantasy that Trump and Putin colluded to defeat Hillary…
Grassley to Democrats Opposing Gorsuch: ‘You’d Filibuster Anyone’
“Not a single senator spoke out against him – not Dianne Feinstein, not Pat Leahy, not Barack Obama, not Joe Biden, not Hillary Clinton … Cruz said the Supreme Court seat was on the ballot when Trump won the presidency, since Hillary Clinton promised a liberal nominee…
Obama Spied, Media Lied
But in a stunning piece of video, a former Obama official who went on to advise the Hillary Clinton campaign essentially confirmed … But Farkas was already out of the administration and advising Hillary. … Hillary Clinton careless with classified information? Whoever heard of such a thing?…
Flynn’s Reported Immunity Request
During the months of the Hillary Clinton email scandal, we learned that the major subjects of the investigation – involving felony … Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Side Deals
But Mike Flynn, against whom there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing? … (Remember, this is the same Justice Department and FBI that claimed the mountain of evidence that Hillary Clinton had violated the…
Why Steve Bannon's Divide-and-Conquer Strategy Doesn't Work
Many others gave him their vote because they hated Obama or Hillary or because they believed he would bring needed change in Washington…
The 'Racism' Libel Against the Trump Administration
Boot had supported Hillary Clinton during the presidential election because he thought she would win and maybe give him a job.…
Liberals Attack Mike Pence for Being Faithful to His Wife
tweeted Emily Bengtson, a liberal campaign activist for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Planned Parenthood. … Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s long-time aide, was married to Representative Anthony Weiner, whose name is now synonymous with sexual scandal…
RussiaGate: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia
So you have the Russian government investing in one of John Podesta’s businesses in 2011, while he is an advisor to Hillary Clinton … Bill and Hillary Clinton received large sums of money directly and indirectly from Russian officials while Hillary Clinton was Secretary … The deal required the approval of several federal government agencies, including Hillary Clinton’s State Department.…
The Democrats' Anger Management Issues Are Terrible for the Country (UPDATED)
I should have told him that Hillary Clinton was a liar, but I was so surprised I didn’t say anything.”…
Report: Sen. Schumer Harassed Well-Connected Woman at NY Restaurant Because She Voted for Trump…ed-woman-at-ny-restaurant-because-she-voted-for-trump-n50951…ed-woman-at-ny-restaurant-because-she-voted-for-trump-n50951
I should have told him that Hillary Clinton was a liar, but I was so surprised I didn’t say anything.”…
Amber Tamblyn Shows Why Actor Doesn't Mean 'Constitutional Scholar'
But then the order of succession goes through Paul Ryan, Orrin Hatch, and 13 members of Trump’s cabinet — and Hillary Clinton is nowhere … They’re the inane ramblings of people who can’t comprehend that their beloved Hillary lost, especially not to that man.…
UMass Op-Ed Points Out Stupidity of Student Protest Topics
In fact, your champion Hillary Clinton even took donations to her “charitable” foundation from the leaders of Saudi Arabia, despite…
Biden Says He Would've Won if He Had Run for President
Do you think Biden would have been a more formidable candidate than Hillary was? Leave your comments below.…
NeverTrumpers, Trumpkins Need to Reconnect With Reality
Folks, do you remember the bit about Hillary having Vince Foster killed, and Roger Stone’s ongoing insistence that Chelsea is actually…