Results for: hillary
Graham: Hillary Could Forge Better Iran Deal, But Rand Probably Couldn't…uld-forge-better-iran-deal-but-rand-probably-couldnt-n199978…uld-forge-better-iran-deal-but-rand-probably-couldnt-n199978
Hillary Clinton would do better. I think everybody on our side, except maybe Rand Paul, could do better.”…
Making Hillary 'Likeable' -- It's an Ugly Job, and Nobody Can Possibly Do It…keable-its-an-ugly-job-and-nobody-can-possibly-do-it-n199974…keable-its-an-ugly-job-and-nobody-can-possibly-do-it-n199974
Schake is about to face what may be her toughest challenge yet: working to get another first lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, elected … Schake will be behind the effort to transport the Hillary Brand beyond paid campaign television ads, policy discussions and the requisite…
Reid Family Values: Prime Suspect in Beatdown of Elderly Senator Arrested for Assault on Cop…tdown-of-elderly-senator-arrested-for-assault-on-cop-n199964…tdown-of-elderly-senator-arrested-for-assault-on-cop-n199964
So Hillary assaulted Bubba during the Clinton presidency — something for which, by the way, anybody else would have gone to jail —…
Report: Hillary Thrashed Bill So Hard Over Lewinsky Affair 'Their Bed Was Covered in Blood'
The London Daily Mail continues doing the work that the American media won’t do, reporting on the sordid history of Bill and Hillary … Clinton:
They had a unique — and fascinating — insight into the private lives of Bill and Hillary Clinton. … And just imagine the damage that Hillary could inflict upon the possible future “first gentleman” with the equipment she’s now rumored…
Did Hillary Clock Bubba with a Book Over Monica?
As one worker told author Kate Anderson Brower, “We’re pretty sure [Hillary Clinton] clocked him with a book.” …
Open Government Experts: Hillary's Use of Personal Email 'Brazen Decision' to Flout Law…rys-use-of-personal-email-brazen-decision-to-flout-law-n6454…rys-use-of-personal-email-brazen-decision-to-flout-law-n6454
When Hillary Clinton began using a personal e-mail account to conduct official business as secretary of State, she made a “brazen … “I have no ax to grind with Hillary Clinton,” he said. “I am a Democrat and a self-described liberal. I don’t use ‘progressive.’…
MSM Continues to Grease Skids for Lady Macbeth: Will She Take the Hint?…grease-skids-for-lady-macbeth-will-she-take-the-hint-n199952…grease-skids-for-lady-macbeth-will-she-take-the-hint-n199952
Poor Inevitable Hillary just can’t seem to close the deal with the lickspittle media:
Democrats, meanwhile, seem ready to cede the…
Lady Macbeth, Clinton Thugs, Gunning for Martin O'Malley
s Worst Candidate sends the former governor of Maryland a message, as Byron York reports:
Recently, a representative from the Hillary … Hillary Clinton is toast, but apparently she is the last one to understand that. … There is no reason — zero — that Hillary Rodham Clinton, a woman of no accomplishment, should ever be president.…
CNN Uses Warren Buffet to Pretend Democrats Don't Have Huge Donors
Buffett has given $25,000 to Ready for Hillary, a Super PAC that’s backing Hillary Clinton’s expected run for the White House.…
When Hillary Stumps on The View, Will Monica be Asking the Questions?…umps-on-the-view-will-monica-be-asking-the-questions-n199922…umps-on-the-view-will-monica-be-asking-the-questions-n199922
With 2016 looming, the real question is, will she get to say it to Hillary or Bill?…
Obama of Arabia
Obama was dismissed as dangerously naive in 2007 by then-candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton for suggesting that he would engage in “aggressive…
What Did the Secretary Know and When Did She Know It?
(AP photo)
Did you know that the State Department was required by law to inform Hillary Clinton of “federal laws and regulations … Gowdy still might not get Hillary Clinton, who belongs in jail, but he just might re-instill such much-needed fear of Congress in the…
Greasing the Skids for Hillary Rodham Clinton
That would be the house organ of the Democrat Party, the New York Times, just trying to help:
Could Another Democrat Beat Hillary … Hillary Rodham Clinton is such an overwhelming favorite in presidential primary polls that most prominent Democrats are taking a pass … unpredictable business, and those of us covering the campaign have been wondering: Is there any way a Democratic challenger could beat Hillary…
For the Media, the Only Jihad Is Against Trump
Obama, Hillary and Kerry did less than zero to improve the situation. They either exacerbated or ignored it, mostly the former.…
Dear 2020: She's Ba-ack!
They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit:
Hillary Clinton will run for president. Again. … Hillary Clinton has 100 percent name ID, a personal fortune and a bastion of loyalists. … America has been loud and clear on this subject since the 1990s: no Hillary Clinton in the White House, ever.…
J.K. Rowling Mocks Piers Morgan for Refusing to Compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler…for-refusing-to-compare-donald-trump-to-adolf-hitler-n166459…for-refusing-to-compare-donald-trump-to-adolf-hitler-n166459
Celebrities Tell Congress to Obstruct Trump’s ‘Racist’ Agenda
Tina Fey Explains Why Hillary Lost the Election…
Raleigh 'Moral March' Uses Religion to Justify Liberal Anger at Trump
“shock” into “the heart of America” is the same tired progressive agenda pushed by President Barack Obama and failed candidate Hillary…
He's Back: Bob Creamer Community Organizing Angry Protests in Illinois
thuggish and quasi-legal activities, saying at the time that he didn’t want to be “a distraction in the important task of electing Hillary … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is targeting Republican members of Congress that represent districts where Hillary … already targeted the race for 2018, realizing that, while Roskam has won solidly there, Trump lost the district in November to Hillary…
Marco Rubio Versus the Show Trials of the Ninth Circuit
If the other side — Hillary, Obama, even Bernie — had done identical things, there would barely be a peep.…
9th Circuit Unanimously Denies Reinstatement of Trump's Travel Ban
Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 9, 2017
Followed by Hillary Clinton trolling:
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February…
We Have an Equality Problem in America
I realize this is just a sampling of the electorate, but with half of the country voting for Hillary Clinton in the election, high…
Piers Morgan: The Media Was 'In the Tank for Hillary Clinton'
He said a lot of them were “in the tank for Hillary Clinton,” and that “it’s a two-way street, this question of respect and honesty…
The Longest Nooooo!
Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, Nancy Pelosi and Al Gore would all be auditioning for the parts of Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. …
Hillary Clinton Released This Post-Loss Statement
Clad in what appears to be a burlap sack, Hillary Clinton released this video for the “Makers Conference.” … Share on Facebook if you hope that Hillary Clinton will back out of the limelight and fade into oblivion. … Hillary Clinton: 'The future is female'
In her first public statement since the inauguration, Hillary Clinton urged women to "step…
Hillary Clinton: 'The Future Is Female'
Sorry, Hillary Clinton, but the future — like the past — will be both male and female. … One day, America will have a female president, just not Hillary Clinton. … v=mWn0N3GYttQ
Hillary Clinton’s Insidious Threat to Traditional Christianity…