Results for: hillary

Feminist Outrage Alert! LEGO Announces Baby Minifigure in Ultrasound
– that feature Hillary Clinton as the Ace. #DealMeIn! … Did Hillary Just Doom the ‘Ghostbusters’ Remake by Booking the Cast on Ellen Degeneres?…
How Facebook and Twitter Are Treating Death Threats Against Me
– Maybe if Hillary Clinton — who called for people like me to be publicly shamed — is elected president, she will have Obaid Karki perform…
Judge Napolitano: Cheryl Mills Gave 'Devastating' Answer Regarding Hillary's Emails During Deposition…ng-answer-regarding-hillarys-emails-during-deposition-n46656
– Accompanied by no fewer than seven lawyers for her Judicial Watch deposition last Friday, Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Cheryl Mills…
What Will 'Bernie or Bust' Voters Do in November?
– Most pundits, if asked even a year ago, would have predicted Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio as the Republican nominee and Hillary Clinton … Hillary Clinton is a woman who was recorded laughing about representing a child rapist, whose business deals are so crooked that any … Hillary Clinton, even to Democrats, isn’t a palatable figure.…
Think Trump Is an Outlier? Think Again
– In the last four live interview polls that broke down results by partisanship, Trump averaged 85 percent support against Hillary Clinton…
Dems Throwing Hillary Under the Bus
– Veteran Democrat strategist Doug Schoen has the gory details: There is now more than a theoretical chance that Hillary Clinton may … After Hillary Drops Out… What?…
There Is No Good Reason for Conservatives to Vote for Trump Over David French…for-conservatives-to-vote-for-trump-over-david-french-n46653
– Although I understand anyone’s wish to defeat Hillary Clinton come November, I see no reason for conservatives to support Donald Trump … Can someone please explain to me why he would be a better president than Hillary? I just don’t see it. … And let’s not even talk about his well-recorded support for GOP establishment hacks and radical Democrats, including Hillary Clinton…
Three Reasons Why a Third Party Candidate Doesn't Really Have a Chance
– a whopping 10 percent in recent polls, which might make him reach the threshold for presidential debates with Donald Trump and Hillary … State Department Fights Request to Depose Hillary Clinton Polls look very good for Johnson right now, but polls this far out don’ … PJ Media Collage, Credit AP Images Only 37.6 percent of voters view Hillary Clinton favorably, while 55.8 percent have an unfavorable…
Three-Party Monte
– This group is represented by the Hillary Clinton wing of the party.…
8 Tweets Explaining Why 'Clinton 45' is Trending
– Trump is enjoying a polling boost partially because he has clinched the Republican nomination, while Hillary Clinton is still fighting … Hillary will be sentenced to 45 years in prison. … The number of minutes Hillary can go without a nap, according to her doctor.…
Guns, Gorillas, Moon Missions: Overprotection Makes Us Less Safe
– Perhaps the most famous example of incapacity outpacing technology is the Hillary Clinton email scandal. …  Clinton’s insecure private server was created (in part) to compensate for her technical shortcomings: As Secretary of State, Hillary
Bill Kristol Pushing David French (!) for President?
– Is Kristol surprised no GOP politician wants to commit political suicide by electing Hillary Clinton? … Bloomberg News is reporting that the man that Kristol believes would make a better president than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton … When Hillary is elected, most Republicans will blame him for the disaster. Whether that’s fair or not, that’s the reality.…
Trump Rips Questions on 'Massive Amount of Money' Raised for Veterans…stions-on-massive-amount-of-money-raised-for-veterans-n44083
Hillary Clinton’s campaign quickly jumped into the fray as well, highlighting Trump’s record with vets and bringing out retired military … “When I raise money for the veterans and it’s a massive amount of money, find out how much Hillary Clinton has given to the veterans…
State Department Fights Request to Depose Hillary Clinton
– For some reason, the most transparent administration in American history does not want former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to…
McConnell: Trump Won't 'Change the Republican Party in Any Fundamental Way'…t-change-the-republican-party-in-any-fundamental-way-n103804
– And I don’t want Hillary Clinton.” … “…And given where the dynamism is in the Democratic Party today, there’s no chance that Hillary Clinton is going to be any different…
Libertarian Party Had Chance to Stand Out from the Pack, Blows It…party-had-chance-to-stand-out-from-the-pack-blows-it-n46636
– 44% of registered voters would like a 3rd option for president, Johnson might do very well with a field offering Donald Trump and Hillary … Not even Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders — radicals themselves — take such an extreme position.…
Libertarian Party Candidate Strips to Underwear at Convention
– With many Republican and Democrat voters feeling disaffected by the looming nominations of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the Libertarian…
Trump Goes Full Democrat on Terror Watch List Gun Purchase Issue
– They say that Trump will be better than Hillary on the issue. I reply, “You have no proof of that, and I don’t trust him.” … I am sure the Trump devotees will now say that he will at least be “not as bad” as Hillary on Second Amendment rights.…
'Dreams From My Father,' but Son Uninterested in His Actual Words
– The man at the center of the “birtherism” controversy (first raised by the Hillary Clinton campaign during the 2008 primary season,…
6,700 'Bernie Bros' Pledge to Run for Office -- Good Luck!
– After Bernie Sanders gave a speech effectively conceding the race for the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton on Thursday, but … Sanders’ success is also partly explained by the fact of his competition — former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is rather less…
The Democratic Party's Civil War Over Israel Policy
– On one side, you have Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment who are reasonably committed to Israel’s survival, but hate … The lukewarm support of Hillary Clinton for Israel is a lot better than the Sanders open hostility to the Jewish State.…
Homeland Security Chairman: How Many 'Special-Interest Aliens' Have Gotten Into Country?…any-special-interest-aliens-have-gotten-into-country-n103979
– Goodlatte said many of the current problems in the Middle East are linked to presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s “track…
For Ellen DeGeneres, a Troubled Past Led to Her Serial Niceness
– She’s been an unflagging supporter of the serially flawed Hillary Clinton, to an embarrassing degree.…
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