Results for: the daily caller

Gunwalker: Holder Got 'At Least Five Weekly Memos'
– “With the fairly detailed information that the Attorney General read, it seems the logical question for the Attorney General after … The Daily Caller goes into more detail, noting: Holder received briefing memos from National Drug Intelligence Center Director Michael … Paul Gosar of Arizona told The Daily Caller on Wednesday that Obama administration officials responsible for Operation Fast and Furious…
'We refer your question to the Democratic National Committee.'
– That’s the response that the Daily Caller got to questions concerning huge Obama administration loans to green companies that have … A Daily Caller investigation has found that in addition to the failed company Solyndra, at least four other solar panel manufacturing … White House suddenly began deflecting The Daily Caller’s questions on Wednesday to the Democratic National Committee.…
Ace: Krugman's Army is 'now in Hail Mary Mode'
– Jesse Jackson, Jr. told The Daily Caller on Wednesday that congressional opposition to the American Jobs Act is akin to the Confederate … I missed the memo — when did free elections tilting the balance of power to the other party constitute the second coming of the Civil … major wars, i.e. the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.…
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr: Congress Is in 'Rebellion' So Obama Should Go Outside the Constitution…ebellion-so-obama-should-go-outside-the-constitution-n154572
– Jesse Jackson, Jr. told The Daily Caller on Wednesday that congressional opposition to the American Jobs Act is akin to the Confederate … the president to unilaterally put 15 million Americans on the federal payroll. … millions off the dole.…
Gunwalker: GOP Hopefuls Weigh In
– step down: “This is an extremely serious set of facts that we’re looking at,” Bachmann said when The Daily Caller asked if Holder … After Romney initially ignored the question, The Daily Caller asked it a second time. … debate, and tonight may offer the first chance to see the candidates forced to answer questions about the plot, the administration…
Gunwalker: Issa Reveals Drug Enforcement Administration Involvement
the shipment of 700 guns to the Sinaloa cartel. … you find a gun in the scene of the crime. … Paul Gosar, continued to blast the administration: Gosar told The Daily Caller that “In Main Street America, you’d never get away…
Question Asked and Answered
– Cain called for the Occupy Wall Street protestors to relocate to the White House, in remarks he made Friday at the Family Research … A ‘Students Stand With Staff’ organization with ties to the Service Employees International Union is organizing the event,” the Daily … For the past twelve years the WFP has been at the fore front of progressive politics.…
The New York Times' Epic Fail
The Daily Caller reported that based on photographs, the Occupy forces were almost exclusively white (numerous studies and polls have … The claims of superior intellect on the part of the legacy media seem unfounded. … The MSM set the baseline; they shouldn’t be surprised that the conservative Blogosphere returns the volley.…
Islamic Speech Police Lobby Eric Holder's DOJ
– This Daily Caller story must be read to be believed: Top Justice Department officials convened a meeting Wednesday where invited … Even the beneficiaries of the dismissal of the New Black Panther voter intimidation case were rabid anti-Semites. … According to the report, Tom Perez had no criticism for the proposed restrictions on the First Amendment.…
CNN Blows the Lid Off 'The Liberal Church of Herman Cain'
– However, for the sake of pointing out the no-win scenario that the GOP is trapped in when it comes to Hollywood, what the heck. … Nahh, of course not, as Crystal Wright of the Daily Caller notes: Hughley’s tirade against Cain may have gone unnoticed were it not … Several tweets later, Hughley wrote: “HermanCain could model for a pancake box” [Screen cap of tweet at the Daily Caller — Ed]…
Ben Bradlee: Cain 'Had it Coming'
– Fields of the Daily Caller that Cain had his attack by the Politico “coming.” … Regarding the Daily Caller’s video, Elizabeth Scalia responds: [Bradlee] seems to have had a couple of drinks (not that there’s anything … And post the Thomas-Hill debacle, women didn’t stand still for it or endure it the way we did in the 1970′s and 1980′s.…
DOJ Proposes Lying to American Public ... Then Backs Off (Updated)
Daily Caller reports: The Department of Justice has canceled a controversial planned revision to Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA … about the existence of documents denied by the FBI, a federal judge in California expressed great concern about the agency using the … Rarely, the agency receiving the FOIA would give what is known as a “Glomar response,” referring to the Glomar Explorer, which the
For Sen. Feinstein, Gunwalker Still an Excuse to Push Gun Control
– concocted the plot, who signed off on it, or what the real purpose of the operation was. … The bill died in committee. The senator’s press release claimed at the time: U.S. … Feinstein’s staff refused to answer when The Daily Caller asked how gun control laws would have prevented the abuses in Operation Fast…
Barry Honey, Let's Do Talk About Jobs
The Daily Caller detailed five such job-killing stimulus projects in August of 2010 – the same summer which you and your press minions … In every one of the job-killing “stimulus” projects cited by The Daily Caller,  a few union jobs may have been “saved or created,” … Vacations on the Vineyard among the millionaires and billionaires, the same people you harp on out the other side of your mouth.…
The 99%: Official list of Occupy Wall Street's supporters, sponsors and sympathizers
– Communist Party USA Sources: Communist Party USA, OWS speech, The Daily Caller American Nazi Party Sources: Media Matters, … Party of China Sources: People’s Daily (Communist Party organ), Reuters,, The Telegraph Hezbollah Sources … Daily Free Press, Liberation News (2) UPDATE: Thanks to the hundreds of readers who have made suggestions for additional entries…
Frank Rich: Begun the Class War Has
– Even the mining heiress Evalyn Walsh McLean, the owner of the Hope diamond and wife of the proprietor of the Washington Post, professed … Which is just one of the reasons why “Experts begin to doubt Obama’s re-electability,” Neil Munro writes at the Daily Caller: Barack … about him or watch him, said David Hill, a veteran GOP strategist and pollster, in an interview with The Daily Caller.…
Newt in Lead According to Fox News Poll
– Newt is also the most trusted with a nuclear weapon at 30%; Romney is second with 17%. … This comes on the heels of yesterday’s McClatchy-Marist Poll that shows Newt is the strongest Republican candidate to defeat President … Matt Lewis writes at the Daily Caller why the Freddie Mac story is completely overblown.…
Gunwalker: Holder Called a 'Liar' as Pressure for AG's Resignation Heats Up
The  Terrys have next to no knowledge of the details of what happened the December night their son was killed in the Arizona desert … It appears that the likelihood of the Terrys or the American people getting answers to questions about the murder is decreasing as … days preceding a November 1 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, new emails obtained by The Daily Caller indicate.…
As Always, Life Imitates The Onion
– planet the current president inhabits. … ” — The Daily Caller, July 28th. “Obama Couldn’t Wait: His New Christmas Tree Tax” — The Heritage Foundation, today. … like the rest of us, what the heck is going on, and how do we get out of this mess?…
Gunwalker: More GOP Candidates Call for Holder's Resignation
– This past Friday, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann told the Daily Caller: Attorney General Holder should resign because of the mismanagement … the plot: Mr. … — who are then apparently selling the guns to the cartels.…
Obama's Top Ten Constitutional Violations
– In an incisive column posted last night on the Daily Caller, the trenchant Ilya Shapiro, a senior fellow in constitutional studies … After all, the Constitution is the font of all federal power. … the liberty of the individual from arbitrary power.”…
Holder Lashes Out at Media Over Fast and Furious
– More, including the audio, at the Daily Caller. A couple of things today about this latest loss of cool. … First, it isn’t just the Daily Caller covering the story as Holder wrongly claims. Every corner of the media is covering it. … Secondly, blaming the Daily Caller ignores all the great work PJ Media has done on this!…
The First Draft of the First Draft of History
– Time magazine names “The Protester” as its “Person of the Year” for 2011: The selection was announced Wednesday on NBC’s “Today … Not to mention the other similarity between the Arab Spring and OWS. … The Daily Caller posits a viable alternative — who seems to have quickly gone down the memory hole amongst the MSM.…
The December Issue
The other night, I finally got around to watching The September Issue on Netflix, a documentary about the making of the then-massive … At the Daily Caller, David Martosko spots would could be the EU’s video version of The September Issue: On November 30 the European … the iceberg hits.…
Sky Captain and the Self-Hating Yuppies Trapped in Yesterday
– But at the Daily Caller, Alexis Levinson catches Obama recycling themes from the failed Democratic presidential campaigns of the MTV … the “Vietnam syndrome” and the blame-America-first ethos of the Democratic Party. … The Reagan Revolution moved the country durably to the right — so much so that even Democrats saw the writing on the wall.…
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