Results for: hillary

Clooney Raises 'Obscene' Cash for Hillary 'So I Never Have to Do a Fundraiser Again'…for-hillary-so-i-never-have-to-do-a-fundraiser-again-n43959
– George Clooney agreed with detractors who say he raised an “obscene” amount of money for Hillary Clinton at a pair of California fundraisers … million for the former secretary of State at the events, with the top ticket of $353,400 snagging a donor a pair of seats next to Hillary … Clooney said he’s been a “very big fan” of Hillary Clinton since she was at the State Department and he was lobbying for South Sudan…
Hillary Hedges on 9/11 Lawsuit Bill: 'I Haven't Studied It'
– Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hedged on ABC this morning about whether she would support Sen. … After the show, Clinton’s traveling press secretary, Nick Merrill, tweeted a statement: “Hillary Clinton supports the efforts by Senator…
Cruz Campaign's Masterful Performance at GOP State Conventions
– “If you don’t want the convention in Cleveland to hand the election to Hillary Clinton — which is what a Donald Trump nomination does…
Think Conservatives Have It Bad with Trump?
– the internecine battles among the progs, but it’s hard to underestimate the depths of revulsion many on the hard Left feel for HillaryHillary Clinton will probably be the Democratic nominee for president, and will in all likelihood beat Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, if…
Bernie Sanders' Tax Returns and Private Plane Menu Prove: He's a Hypocritical Phony Extraordinaire…ne-menu-prove-hes-a-hypocritical-phony-extraordinaire-n46170
– He’s just as much a rich establishment hack as Hillary Clinton: both are hypocritical socialists who want to give other people’s money…
Trump Frightens Children, Inspires Kids to Bully Classmates
– In comparison, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton were named fewer than 200 times together, according to the report.…
White House Defends Garland Against Sanders Litmus Test
Hillary Clinton backed President Obama’s selection during the CNN event in Brooklyn, maintaining “we need to get the Supreme Court…
Hillary Tours Normal American Home, Visibly Expresses Horror
– HillaryClinton in East Harlem. — Josh Robin (@joshrobin) April 15, 2016 It speaks volumes that the only time HillaryHillary Clinton got really excited when she won dominoes today in East Harlem.…
Clueless Hillary Clinton Gets Booed for Repeatedly Dodging on Releasing Wall Street Speech Transcripts…y-dodging-on-releasing-wall-street-speech-transcripts-n46154
– Think Hillary Clinton finally feels The Bern? Sen. … Earlier, Bernie had smacked Hillary around a bit for saying she had “called out Wall Street.” … If Hillary could’ve gotten away with hiding below her lectern, she would’ve done so.…
Putin Calls Bill and Hillary Clinton 'the Same Satan'
– Russian President Vladimir Putin used a common idiom to brand former President Bill Clinton and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton … Thus, Bill and Hillary are “the same Satan.”…
What if It's Donald vs. Bernie?
– Republicans should start wishing that Hillary Clinton not be indicted for her email scandal because she’d be a lot easier to beat than … If Hillary actually is indicted, or anything close, he will clearly have it. … Democratic Party women are already deserting Hillary for Bernie in the latest poll.…
Is Trump America's Jean-Marie Le Pen?
– Chances are, if he does not get the nomination, he will run as an independent candidate and thus help the Democratic candidate — Hillary
Here's How the WI Primary Looked From the 'People’s Republic of Shorewood'…primary-looked-from-the-peoples-republic-of-shorewood-n43954
– place in the Wisconsin primary, as Ted Cruz routed Trump and Kasich, and Bernie Sanders had a similarly spectacular day against Hillary … In the Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders racked up 2,561 votes for 52.83% to Hillary Clinton’s 2,277 votes for 46.97% (three people … Bernie Sanders amassed 567,858 votes for 56.5% of the electorate, while Hillary Clinton garnered 433,514 votes for 43.2% (there were…
Wasserman Schultz: 'I Really Want to Get Trump a Pacifier'
– Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has been under fire from Hillary Clinton supporters since a backer of his, healthcare activist Dr.…
Bernie's Jewish Problem, and Hillary's Surprisingly Bold Response
– Let’s contrast Sanders’ views with those of Hillary Clinton from an interview with the Jewish Voice.…
Why Bernie Sanders Says Terrible Things about Israel
– This is why, as I wrote above, Bernie Sanders is a dangerous man, all the more so since his views are infecting the corrupt Hillary
'Bernie-crat' Calls Hillary Clinton Crew 'Corporate Democratic Whores'
– In introducing the Vermont senator, an obscure health care activist issued a rather direct attack on frontrunner Hillary Clinton, and … elects the president (OH, FL, VA, NC, MO) only PA left — SouthFlorida4Hillary (@SFL4Hillary) April 14, 2016 Millennials with Hillary
Dear GOP: If Trump or Cruz Are Robbed of the Nomination I'm Out
– Tales of how Trump had donated to Democrats and invited Hillary Clinton to his daughter’s wedding fazed me not one iota. … But the show went on, and when Trump said, “I haven’t even started on [Hillary] yet,” it was music to my ears. … Similarly, polls suggesting that John Kasich is the only Republican who can beat Hillary seem suspicious, as if leftist operatives…
Bernie Gets First Senate Endorsement
– Many congressional Democrats, who are also superdelegates, quickly threw their support behind Hillary Clinton before the Democratic…
Manchin: 'Bernie Might Be Living Naked in the Trees'
– But former Senator Mary Landrieu is endorsing Hillary because she is more friendly to states heavy on fossil fuels. … Hillary Clinton for president, and believe she is best suited among the candidates on both sides to try to find a middle ground,” the…
The Original Occupy Wall Street Backs Bernie Sanders
– Despite this OWS support, Sanders still seems poised to lose New York to Hillary Clinton.…
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