Results for: hillary

Bernie Tops Record Monthly Haul for Campaign Cycle
– That was compared to Hillary Clinton’s $30.1 million in February. Bernie just broke his own record for March.…
Source: FBI Gets 'One Shot at the Queen' as Clinton Email Investigation Reaches Final Phase…en-as-clinton-email-investigation-reaches-final-phase-n46015
Hillary Clinton is likely to be questioned by FBI officials about her private email server within the next few days, according to … Meanwhile, former Hillary Clinton IT specialist Bryan Pagliano, who struck an immunity deal with the Justice Department, has apparently…
[WATCH] Hillary Hecklers: 'If She Wins, We Lose!'
– At a New York rally on Thursday, hecklers interrupted Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton, yelling, “If she wins, we lose!” … Some of us would also caution Hillary supporters to read the fine print. … election polls to have much meaning (Jimmy Carter destroyed Ronald Reagan in such match-ups at this point in 1980), but maybe the Hillary
On the Left, Deep Unease About the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua
– Nobody, it seems, much likes Hillary: With Bernie Sanders now slightly ahead of Clinton nationally in the latest Bloomberg poll … Hillary Clinton might be ahead of Bernie Sanders in delegates, but Vermont’s Senator has a monopoly on political momentum. … Yes, federal prosecutors will interview Hillary Clinton, in addition to her close associates. …
How Many American Politicians Do the Saudis Own?
– presidential library, the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars from foreign governments over the years, including while Hillary
Largest Wisconsin Newspaper Attacks Clinton Before Primary
– The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel unleashed a devastating attack on Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton over her record against transparency … Republicans and Democrats in Wisconsin vote next Tuesday, and the race is close between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. … While this will help the two candidates, they both face a difficult road ahead, as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have large leads…
Kasich Camp: Trump Won't Be Nominee 'If the Never Trump Forces Get Serious'…wont-be-nominee-if-the-never-trump-forces-get-serious-n43969
– Committee lauded Tuesday night’s primary results in a statement that skirted the party’s own internal strife and focused squarely on Hillary … “With record numbers of voters viewing Hillary Clinton unfavorably, New York Democrats moved their least electable candidate a little … And a vote for Cruz or Trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton in November because neither of them can win a general election.”…
The Republican Race Becomes The People vs. The Delegates
– It is that other winner of Tuesday night’s primary — Hillary Rodham Clinton — now the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party,…
Carly Fiorina Proves She'd Be an Excellent VP Pick
– Hey, Hillary, here's what you don't get about women's rights: Posted by Carly Fiorina on Monday, April 18, 2016 Speaking … to the Ronald Reagan Foundation, Carly Fiorina exposes Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy of pretending to be a “women’s rights” candidate…
How George Clooney Can Reclaim His Mojo
– here’s George Clooney, erstwhile Sexiest Man Alive according to People magazine, making excuses for his recent fundraisers for Hillary
Hillary Clinton Is an Agent of Oppression! | ZoNation
Hillary Clinton saying that unborn children have no constitutional rights is a Democrat using the same language Democrats used…
How the GOP Is On the Road Towards Certain Defeat…d-to-guaranteeing-its-defeat-in-the-general-election-n184917
– The latest polls show that only one Republican candidate has a sure chance of beating Hillary Clinton: John Kasich. … Look at the latest RCP average of all polls, which shows the tally of each Republican candidate in a race against Hillary Clinton. … If they choose the populist Trump, there will be a landslide for Hillary Clinton come Election Day.…
MSM Finally Curious About Hillary's Truthfulness, Fact Checks Her Hot Sauce Claim…hillarys-truthfulness-fact-checks-her-hot-sauce-claim-n46208
– Republican frontrunner Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of pandering in New York with her comment on Monday that she carries hot … But kudos to the hacks for finding the one thing Hillary Clinton hasn’t lied about this year.…
On Eve of New York Primary, Biden Highlights Widening Gap Between Bernie, Hillary Democrats…hlights-widening-gap-between-bernie-hillary-democrats-n46205
– Zimmerman’s suspension from the Sanders campaign sparked outrage among Jewish millennials who have dubbed Hillary Clinton an “establishment … members may support Sanders in droves, but J Street’s board and donors are financially backing and ideologically aligned with the Hillary
Hillary Contradicts Hillary, Again
– The Times quoted Diana Arellano, community engagement manager for Planned Parenthood of Illinois, who tweeted that “Hillary Clinton … “And what does Hillary believe?” Pat Buchanan thundered at the 1992 Republican Convention. … “Well, Hillary believes that 12-year-olds should have a right to sue their parents.”…
Here's Why the New York Primary Still Doesn't Matter
Hillary Most polls have her more than twenty points ahead of Bernie Sanders. … If Hillary and/or Trump does well, nothing changes. … A lot hangs on tonight’s primary, but mostly for Hillary and Donald Trump.…
John Kasich Is Kind of a Jerk and MSNBC Loves Him
– When a reporter pointed out to Kasich that he’s only won one state, the Ohio governor insisted that polls show only him defeating Hillary
For Trump, It’s New York ... or Die Trying
– Native New Yorker Bernie Sanders is opposing Hillary Clinton, who represented our state in the United States Senate.…
Sanders Lawyer to DNC: Hillary Guilty of Campaign Finance Violations…to-dnc-hillary-guilty-of-campaign-finance-violations-n43963
– On the eve of a crucial Democratic presidential primary here, Bernie Sanders accused rival Hillary Clinton on Monday of appearing to … Hillary Clinton’s first breath upon awakening each day creates an appearance of impropriety, and it just gets worse from there. … It’s safe to say that the DNC, which is already being run by a former Hillary operative and deeply invested in rigging the game for…
Bill & Hillary, American Racists?
Hillary Clinton’s campaign is stumbling on issues of race– Bill Clinton fought with #BLM protesters, and Hillary participated in…
Democrats and the New Jim Crow
– With Hillary stacking up the super-delegates even while Bernie Sanders keeps winning, why should anyone bother voting? … insiders, and elected officials who may vote for whomever they like without regard to the popular vote, and nearly all of them support Hillary
Trump Debuts New Nickname for Hillary
– Finally, over the weekend, he came up with a moniker for the Democrat front-runner, Hillary Clinton.  … Trump uncorked his new nickname for Hillary during a campaign rally in Dexter, New York, labeling her “crooked Hillary.” … And they control crooked Hillary, and they control lyin’ Ted Cruz, right?” he said.…
Clinton Hammers Sanders on Gun Liability with Shooting Victims' Families…nders-on-gun-liability-with-shooting-victims-families-n43961
– Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he’s standing by his position on gun liability despite Hillary Clinton’s campaign trying to hammer him…
Ted Cruz Has 'Zero Interest Whatsoever' in Trump VP Slot
– too high,” Cruz continued, arguing that “that’s why, nationwide, 65 to 70 percent of Republicans recognize Donald Trump loses to Hillary … He predicted that he would beat Hillary Clinton in the general election, but that Trump would lose, badly.…
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