Results for: the daily caller

Online Harassment Sufferer Sarah Jeong Hates Republicans and Cops, Too
– However, the newest editorial board member of the New York Times also attacked Republicans specifically: The new face of @nytimes … That “online harassment” endured by Jeong also apparently drove her to lash out viciously at the police, the Daily Caller discovered … attacking a police officer, according to the Daily Caller.…
The Morning Briefing: Paul Manafort Owns an Ostrich Jacket and Much, Much More…ul-manafort-owns-an-ostrich-jacket-and-much-much-more-n59903
– THIS IS THE PYTHON JACKET. … Three obvious stand-outs here were noted and confirmed by the judge, the prosecution and the witness himself: (1) the company’s name … Benny Johnson over at The Daily Caller has collected some Twitter valentines from Jim Acosta & Co. supporters.…
Jim Acosta Remembers When Americans Were All on the Same Team
– Back in the old days, before Orange Hitler became president even though Hillary won the popular vote, all Americans were on the same … in America, Don Lemon was not pleased with Daily Caller heckler Neil Munro‘s decision to start shouting at the President in the middle … I’m sure there are many more examples of the old days when we were all on the same team, but you get the idea.…
Portland Police Failed to Respond to 911 Calls from ICE Agents During Siege…to-respond-to-911-calls-from-ice-agents-during-siege-n59865
The Daily Caller reports that the letter says, “Your current policy forbidding Portland law enforcement agencies from assisting employees … and harassed ICE employees to the point that the government was forced to shut the office down. … All of this because the Mayor of Portland has a beef with the president of the United States.”…
The Morning Briefing: Manafort Trial Begins Today and Much, Much More
– Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today: The president signs H.R. 2353, the “Strengthening Career and Technical Education … for the 21st Century Act,” into law President Trump has lunch with the vice president and the secretary of State The president delivers … (AP Photo) Other morsels: The reporter is “Fusion Ken” Dilanian NBC reporter dismisses Daily Caller as ‘Trump’s pet media’ following…
Pro-Trump Pentagon Analyst Was Stripped of His Security Clearance by Obama Holdovers…stripped-of-his-security-clearance-by-obama-holdovers-n60238
– A spokesman told The Times that the Pentagon would not comment on the case’s merits. … Even the font was the same.” … Richard Perle, Ronald Reagan’s former assistant secretary of defense, told The Daily Caller last November: “He clearly was the target…
The Morning Briefing: Strzok, Ellison, the NDAA, and Much, Much More
The real story may be the way the press handled the scandal. … “But the DNC’s co-chairman? No comment from the DNC. No feeding frenzy from the press.” It’s great to be the DNC. … Caller (@DailyCaller) August 13, 2018 Ellison is also the same Democrat leader who called for to ban all products…
Mexican Restaurant Blasted for Not Booting Jeff Sessions
The restaurant, El Tiempo Cantina, says they were contacted by the Secret Service and told an administration official would be dining … The left was, of course, quick to attack. … As The Daily Caller reports, “Many people called for the restaurant, El Tiempo Cantina, to be boycotted, and others took to…
The Morning Briefing: The ChiComs Stole Hillary's Emails and Much, Much More…the-chicoms-stole-hillarys-emails-and-much-much-more-n60495
the president of FIFA The Daily Caller has a double whammy Two bombshells from the DC. … warrants against American citizens, a source familiar with the testimony tells The Daily Caller News Foundation. … matter told The Daily Caller News Foundation.…
Pope Francis Allies Push Back Against Cover-Up Accusations in Sex Abuse Scandal…ack-against-cover-up-accusations-in-sex-abuse-scandal-n60491
The letter has had an extraordinary effect on the hierarchy, with the conflict between conservative and liberal voices in the church … As the Daily Caller reports, Vigano has been accused of a “putsch” and of “launching a coup”: Villanova theology professor Massimo … So the existential crisis in the church will continue, with the real possibility that the leader of that church is, himself, part of…
Cohen Lawyer Lanny Davis Admits He Was Peddling Bogus Info About Russia Collusion…its-he-was-peddling-bogus-info-about-russia-collusion-n60477
the then-candidate approved the meeting. … The Post did not report that Trump Jr. told his father that the information was coming from Russians. … According to Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller, Tater didn’t even acknowledge the debunked story during the network’s media criticism…
The Morning Briefing: Lanny Davis Panhandles for Cohen on Cable News and Much, Much More…panhandles-for-cohen-on-cable-news-and-much-much-more-n60391
The media is destroying the country. … Not so much, writes Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller. … We were not the source of the story.…
Lanny Davis: Steele Dossier Allegations Are 'False'; Michael Cohen Has 'Never Been to Prague'…ions-are-false-michael-cohen-has-never-been-to-prague-n60387
– Cohen has denied the allegations in the Steele dossier ever since BuzzFeed published the unverified document in January 2017. … The Daily Caller: According to Steele, Cohen and three associates visited Prague in order to meet with Kremlin officials as part … Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) August 22, 2018 According to The Daily Caller, Davis characterized the discrepancy as a “complication…
Latin American Conservative Blogger: Facebook Suspended and Doxed Me
– When the corrupt former president was included in the poll, 37 percent of voters said they back him, putting him in the lead by 5 percentage … Daily Caller, Breitbart, PJ Media, Townhall, and more. … the border to kill her.…
Why White Supremacists Actually Were Empowered by Hand Gesture at Kavanaugh Hearing
– In the last two years the worst of that worst became the most visible, in the form of white power Twitter. … The Daily Mail provides a good example of media coverage, in an article alarmingly titled “EXCLUSIVE: White power at the White House … Unlike Daily Mail, conservative site The Daily Caller spoke with the intern, who offered a plausible, if not definitive explanation…
The Morning Briefing: NYT's Deep State Hero and Much, Much More
The hunt is on for the author. … of the man who won the presidency. … Caller has a nice compilation of all the interruptions during the Kavanaugh hearings.…
Report: Trump Close to Declassifying Remaining Redacted Portions of FISA Warrants…ssifying-remaining-redacted-portions-of-fisa-warrants-n60675
the FBI, according to the report.  … Two employees from the U.S. Justice Department and the other representative was from the U.S. … In an interview with The Daily Caller on Tuesday, President Trump said the White House is looking at declassifying the documents “very…
John Kelly: No, I Did Not Call the President an Idiot; 'He and I Both Know' That's 'Total B.S.'…president-an-idiot-he-and-i-both-know-thats-total-b-s-n60643
– If the story seems familiar, it’s because the media first reported the allegation that Kelly called Trump an idiot last spring. … “The idea I ever called the president an idiot is not true. … “It’s just another bad book,” Trump told The Daily Caller Tuesday. …
You Are Not Going to Believe This List of CNN's Bungled Reporting
– at all over the country! … The Daily Caller compiled 20 of them: CNN retracted a story in June of 2016 claiming that former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci … CNN updated the report but still has not explained how two sources managed to give them the wrong date on the email. […] On June…
The Morning Briefing: CNN Does Not Lie and Much, Much More
– FBI says it did not find Chinese intrusion on Hillary Clinton’s email server Richard Pollock at the Daily Caller broke a story earlier … “The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,” the FBI stated. … Just the typical run-around from the FBI.…
Will He or Won't He? Trump Mulls Government Shutdown over Wall While GOP Frets
– Trump told The Daily Caller two days ago, “I don’t like the idea of shutdowns,” adding that “I don’t see even myself or anybody else … Another option being explored by the president is to have the military build the wall. … the wall.…
The Best Government Survey on Guns You've Never Heard Of
The Daily Caller: The CDC’s data, collected a few years after Kleck’s survey, appears to corroborate his findings, reported … The question asked in the CDC survey addressed the use or threatened use of a firearm to deter a crime.  … Republicans in Congress refused to consider the approach and the CDC itself resisted the notion.…
Childish Gambino's 'This Is America' Has a Very Important Message
– Back in my pre-Daily Caller days, I was acquainted with a comedian and writer named DC Pierson*, who together with Glover formed an … The group made their name during the early days of YouTube, and when I saw the following sketch, I became an instant fan: “That … shirt at the drop of a hat.…
The Morning Briefing: Avenatti Claims RUSSIANS Paid Cohen and Much, Much More…venatti-claims-russians-paid-cohen-and-much-much-more-n57823
The Daily Caller reports that Logan Act violator John Kerry’s meddling help push Trump towards jettison the deal. … The source specifically blames Kerry’s meddling in the process as a key decision point in the calculus for pulling out of the de. … — The Associated Press (@AP) May 9, 2018 Your daily WTF: School hauls pro-Second Amendment student in for questioning over gun…
The Morning Briefing: Will Trump Tap Out of the Iran Deal and Much, Much More…ill-trump-tap-out-of-the-iran-deal-and-much-much-more-n57797
– “If the President decides to leave the deal, it’s hardly the end of the world — or even bad,” said Jim Phillips, a senior research … The Daily Caller writes, “The women claimed that he slapped and choked them, threatened to kill them if they broke up with him and … the day.…
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