Results for: the daily caller

Data Suggests Spread of the Coronavirus Is Slowing
– A ray of hope today that the spread of the coronavirus across American appears to be slowing down. … Daily Caller: Washington State was the first state in America to have a confirmed case of the novel coronavirus. … We slowed the transmission,” Democratic Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan said according to the NYT.…
Joe Biden Has a 'China Problem' and Trump is Ready to Exploit It
– people of China but for the United States and the world as a whole,” Biden said. … The Daily Caller reported this week that business records showed he was still listed on the board. … One thing is sure; connecting Joe Biden’s grinning mug with the smiles of the Chinese Communists will prove to be one of the Trump…
After Nearly a Decade, NASA Will Launch Americans Into Space From U.S. Soil…nasa-will-launch-americans-into-space-from-u-s-soil-n385126
– We’ve been hitching rides to the space station with the Russians — a huge comedown from the glory days of NASA. … Let's #LaunchAmerica 🇺🇸 — Jim Bridenstine (@JimBridenstine) April 17, 2020 Daily Caller: Former … The launch of the Dragon puts us right back in the ballgame.…
NJ Governor Declares Bill of Rights 'Above His Paygrade'
Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) April 16, 2020 America is quickly devolving into an unrecognizable police state where we are being … There’s nothing in the oath that vows to protect people from a virus at the expense of the Constitution. … The answer to the question, “by what authority do you suspend the Bill of Rights,” is none.…
BOMBSHELL: Russian Intelligence Knew Steele Was Investigating Trump in 2016 Campaign…knew-steele-was-investigating-trump-in-2016-campaign-n385096
– Where speculation about this has been rampant, this is the first evidence — from the FBI itself — that the Steele dossier was a classic … Daily Caller: A Justice Department inspector general’s report laid out a series of “significant”errors and omissions that the FBI … The John Durham investigation — unlike the Mueller investigation — has not been a font of leaks, so we’re in the dark about where he…
Hunter Biden Remains on the Board of a Chinese Company That Profited From Joe Biden's Foreign Policy…company-that-profited-from-joe-bidens-foreign-policy-n385071
– by the Daily Caller show that Hunter Biden, the youngest son of Democratic presumptive nominee Joe Biden, has remained on the board … Mesires told the Daily Caller in November that his client had resigned from the board, but he did not provide any evidence of the departure … As of Tuesday, Chinese business records still name Hunter Biden a director of BHR, the Daily Caller reported.…
Trump Campaign Sues Wisconsin TV Station for Airing False 'Coronavirus Hoax' Ad…nsin-tv-station-for-airing-false-coronavirus-hoax-ad-n385033
The station kept running the ad, anyway. … Daily Caller, rated the article false. … of the statements in the PUSA ad,” the suit claims.…
Durham Investigation Targeting Media Leaks that Got Michael Flynn Fired…n-targeting-media-leaks-that-got-michael-flynn-fired-n385991
Daily Caller: The report is the first indication that Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, is focusing on media leaks as part … The story that the leakers gave Ignatius was explosive. … But the insinuation that some sort of deal was in the works between the Trump campaign and the Russian government that sanctions would…
There's Been a HUGE Development in the Michael Flynn Case
– At the same time, the Daily Caller reports that the lead prosecutor in the case just withdrew – quit – the case. … The AP reports that the DOJ is dropping the rotten case against Flynn like a hot rock. … The documents were obtained by The Associated Press.…
Biden Promises to Reverse Title IX Rule Giving Due Process to Those Accused of Campus Sexual Assault…ue-process-to-those-accused-of-campus-sexual-assault-n388831
– All that those Title IX changes did was give the accused the same rights that any murderer, any mugger, any rapist for that matter … Daily Caller: The former vice president said the rule lets colleges “off the hook for protecting students” by allowing colleges to … The U.S. justice system ensures that both sides have the opportunity to tell their story.…
Trump Wants Tax Cuts, Lawsuit Indemnification in Next Stimulus Bill
– Rob Portman told the Daily Caller when asked if he was concerned with the amount of money being spent. Montana Republican Sen. … Steve Daines told the Daily Caller that not only should we be worried about spending, but that there needs to be an investigation into … This is more than one-quarter of our entire annual GDP,” Toomey told the Daily Caller.…
What Did The WHO Tell Fauci While It Took China's Coronavirus Lies at Face Value?…after-it-took-chinas-coronavirus-lies-at-face-value-n387998
The Daily Caller filed a FOIA request with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) — of which the National Institutes of … The Daily Caller requested documents between January 1, 2020, and April 1, 2020. … Although the Daily Caller was granted expedited processing of its request, it had not received the documents so it filed the lawsuit…
First Epstein, Now Biden. ABC News Interviewed Tara Reade and Sat On It for 5 Weeks…ews-interviewed-tara-reade-and-sat-on-it-for-5-weeks-n387294
The network spiked the Jeffrey Epstein story, censoring the sex pervert’s victims interviews with reporter Amy Robach. … Now, The Daily Caller reports that ABC interviewed Joe Biden accuser, Tara Reade, five weeks ago and sat on the story. … Reade’s comments to ABC News appeared in a written story on the network’s website.…
New York State Deliberately Covered Up Full Extent of Coronavirus Nursing Home Deaths…ed-up-full-extent-of-coronavirus-nursing-home-deaths-n397998
– That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that,” Cuomo said during a daily briefing last month. … In fact, it was the only state with a large outbreak to do this, and they finally admitted to this in a statement to the Daily Caller … facility residents, regardless of whether the patient died at their long-term care facility or at a hospital,” The Daily Caller reported…
Erica Thomas Police Report Released: No Criminal Charges, She Told Him to "Go Back"…released-no-criminal-charges-she-told-him-to-go-back-n67485
The Daily Caller explains: In the detailed write-up about the interaction with Thomas, the officer noted that Thomas said Sparks … This is what the police officer saw on the footage: Mr. … In other words, the footage shows that the Democratic lawmaker was the one with the aggressive, bullying body language.…
AOC Blasts Former Chief of Staff for 'Divisive Comments'
Daily Caller: “I think it was divisive,” Ocasio-Cortez told the New York Daily News. … She never reported her affiliation with the PAC to the FEC, the Daily Caller News Foundation first reported. … The speaker may very well have read her the riot act and informed her in no uncertain terms that if she wants the support of the Democratic…
The Morning Briefing: Dem. Debate Had Fairy Tale Economics, Dark Psychic Forces…m-debate-had-fairy-tale-economics-dark-psychic-forces-n67663
– Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today: The president participates in an expanded bilateral meeting with the president of … The tax cuts, the ones the media has tricked people into thinking only went to the rich, will disappear along with your 401k invested … Nothing I can say is better than this fantastic compilation put together by The Daily Caller: Beto and Buttigieg are most likely…
Retaliation? Google Whistleblower Claims FBI, SWAT, Bomb Squad Appeared at His Home…lower-claims-fbi-swat-bomb-squad-appeared-at-his-home-n68132
– “They got inside the gate, the police, and they started banging on my door… And so the police decided that they were going to call … The list included NewsBusters, Gateway Pundit, LifeNews, the Christian Post, American Thinker, the Daily Caller, Grabien News, RedState … , the Google account blacklist, the Google News blacklist, the Google AdWords and AdSense blacklists, the search engine blacklist,…
Trailing 2020 Dem Stops Trying to Make 'President Hickenlooper' Happen
– for press at the first Democratic debate, is expected to drop out of the race. … Two sources familiar with the former governor’s plans told the Times he would drop out of the race. … Laurie has written for the Daily Caller, Townhall, Breitbart, and…
Rep. Ilhan Omar Illegally Used Campaign Money to Fund Her Illicit Affair, FEC Complaint Alleges
– Today, the Daily Caller reports that the National Legal and Policy Center has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission … The Daily Mail reported in July that the pair had split and were headed for a second divorce. … Except when she breaks the law, she should pay the price — and not just a slap on the wrist from the FEC.…
Whom Do You Believe About the Amazon Forest Fires in Brazil?
– Just how bad are the fires burning in the Amazon rainforest? … #prayforamazonia — Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) August 22, 2019 Daily Caller: Soccer star Cristiano … Most Amazon countries recognize the importance of the region to the environmental health of the earth and limit the amount of land…
Silicon Valley Copycats China's Orwellian Social Credit Scheme
– Whenever you get out of the car after an Uber ride, the app invites you to rate the driver. … Malkin’s whistleblower revealed that Google has similarly blacklisted Twitchy, FrontPage, The Daily Caller, Legal Insurrection, NewsBusters … — is being built by the State, for the State.…
The Thrill Is Gone? Dems Seem Bored with Their Presidential Candidates
– Maybe the problem isn’t the candidates, but the primary voters. … Nevertheless, of Biden she said, “I like the other platforms better, but I think he’s the only one the middle of the country might … The Daily Caller reported yesterday that DNC chair Tom Perez “will hold three fundraisers for American ex-patriots [sic] in Mexico,…
Nunes Files $9.9M RICO Suit Against Fusion GPS, Saying It Tried to Obstruct Justice and Derail Russia probe…it-tried-to-obstruct-justice-and-derail-russia-probe-n68605
Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) reported. … he told the DCNF for the Aug. 1 article. … and FBI regarding the dossier only after the 2016 election.…
President Trump Confirms He's Suing Omarosa and Others for Violating Confidentiality Agreements…a-and-others-for-violating-confidentiality-agreements-n68494
– Despite having been a solid supporter of Trump in the beginning, I always felt bringing Manigault Newman into the White House was a … in The Daily Caller. … It became apparent that the book was full of fabrications when Manigault Newman contradicted the most explosive allegation from her…
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