Results for: the daily caller

Military Finds 7 in 10 'Enlistment Age' Americans Can't Meet Requirements
The Daily Caller notes the multiple factors: “Physical fitness is not the only barrier for those wanting to join the military. … The other two factors, however, are the shockers. … The Heritage Foundation report notes: According to the former commander of the U.S.…
Clay Travis Calls Out 'Hypocrite' CNN Host Who Booted Him From Show
– As The Daily Caller notes: [W]hen she spoke to a porn star and friend of Stormy Daniels on Tuesday, Baldwin had no problem discussing … the word boobs. … Baldwin’s freakout over the word “boobs” seems odd considering the rather detailed nature of the discussion regarding Trump’s sex life…
Kurt Eichenwald Is Embarrassing Himself on Twitter Again, Attacking Parkland Survivor Kyle Kashuv…ssing-twitter-attacking-parkland-survivor-kyle-kashuv-n57080
The imbroglio began when Eichenwald decided to attack the pro-Second Amendment Kashuv on Twitter last Friday, calling the student a … and posted them at The Daily Caller, confirming that they were indeed “disturbing”  — but not on the part of Kashuv. … (3) to a third party; and (4) the falsity of the statement caused injury to the plaintiff.…
The Sinclair Broadcast Group Is Trying to Control Your Mind, or Something
The best thing about 2018 America is that if you’re annoyed by the latest “crisis” the media is shoving down your throat, you can … Instead, our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters are giving us this (supercut courtesy of my old friends at the Daily Caller): … Never mind that the panic about fake news started on the left.…
The Morning Briefing: No More DACA?, No Background Checks for Awan Family and Much, Much More
– Here is what’s on the President’s agenda today: The President and First Lady host the White House Easter Egg Roll The President meets … Dems waived background checks for Pakistani Awan family Luke Rosiak at The Daily Caller dropped an Easter bombshell yesterday. … Read the whole thing.…
More than a Third of Young Americans Think Other Countries Are Greater than U.S.…americans-think-other-countries-are-greater-than-u-s-n71994
The poll also found that overall, most Americans think the United States is the “greatest country” (24 percent) or “one of the greatest … The older the American, the more they believe the U.S. is the “greatest.” … Daily Caller: Pew found that 24% of 30- to 49-year-old Americans think other countries are greater than the U.S., while 14% of 50…
The Great Recession: 'Reparations' Gone Bad
– But, according to the Daily Caller in 2012, just 19 of Obamas 186 clients still had their homes. … The result? … In 1999, the Cato policy paper on the CRA made the following recommendation: “The Clinton administration wants an even stricter CRA…
Democrats in Congress Give Iranian Protesters the Middle Finger
The vote to block consideration of the resolution was 226-191. … Daily Caller: The resolution would have condemned the Government of Iran for killing 1,500 Iranian citizens who were protesting their … — unless we’ve exhausted every other remedy …” The “aspirations” of the people in the streets are clear: down with the government…
Don’t Expect Much Out of FISA Reform, Look Who Was Picked to Oversee The Process…isa-reform-look-who-was-picked-to-oversee-the-process-n72064
– According to the Daily Caller, Kris was also “an outspoken critic of Rep. … “It’s hard to imagine a worse person the FISC could have chosen outside Comey, McCabe, or Schiff,” Devin Nunes, told the Daily Caller … Carter Page also spoke with the Daily Caller, and was disappointed by the selection.…
Trump to Use 'Executive Privilege' to Block Bolton Testifying at Senate Trial…privilege-to-block-bolton-testifying-at-senate-trial-n72037
– Trump told Laura Ingraham that the future of the presidency was at stake. Daily Caller: “Why not call Bolton? … “Well I think you have to for the sake of the office,” the president responded. … Collins told the Bangor Daily News that she is working with a “fairly small” group of senators to ensure that an initial resolution…
Democrats Want to Create 'The Irresponsible Society'
– — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 23, 2020 Warren’s dismissive attitude is significant largely … because it reveals a larger truth about the modern left; reward the irresponsible; punish or ignore the responsible. … It’s not Lyndon Johnson’s “The Great Society,” it’s “The Irresponsible Society.”…
Ten Ways the Democrats’ Own Impeachment Witnesses Destroyed Their Case Against Trump…eachment-witnesses-destroyed-their-case-against-trump-n72555
– heard them cite the testimony of their witnesses from the House impeachment inquiry and the claim that that testimony confirmed an … The next major narrative of the Democrats was that there was no legitimate reason for there to be an investigation into the Bidens … of interest with the then VP @JoeBiden's national security staff in February 2015. — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller…
Warren Has Her 'Joe the Plumber' Moment: Iowa Dad DEMOLISHES Her Student Loan Forgiveness Plan…iowa-dad-demolishes-her-student-loan-forgiveness-plan-n72477
– — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 23, 2020 On Warren’s website, she claims she will eliminate … 95% of student loans by taxing the 1% of the richest Americans. … from Salome to #MeToo, and the host of “The Fringe” podcast.…
James Carville Drops a Truth Bomb on Dems: 'We're Losing Our Damn Minds'
– — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 23, 2020 Carville thinks that even if Sanders catches lightning … Sanders at the top of the party defining it for the public …So long as McConnell runs the Senate, it’s game over.” … South or in the middle of the country?…
More Than 1500 Illegal Aliens With ICE Detainers Released From Orange County Jail in 2019…e-detainers-released-from-orange-county-jail-in-2019-n381322
– Immigration and Customs Enforcement has taken the lead in battling sanctuary city policies across the country. … Daily Caller: “SB 54 has made our community less safe. … The DC reports that some of the crimes committed by those 411 illegal alien criminals released in the last two years include, “rape…
Obama Awarded the Medal of Freedom to a Sex Predator, But Liberals Are Triggered by Rush Limbaugh's…ator-but-liberals-are-triggered-about-rush-limbaughs-n381173
– “Having sex with a 16-year-old is statutory rape,” explained Patrick Howley of the Daily Caller. … But the Presidential Medal of Freedom wasn’t the end of Obama’s honoring of the sex predator. …  The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama.…
Adam Schiff Says if You Don't Oust Trump He'll Sell Alaska to the Russians and Name Jared Kushner President…ska-to-the-russians-and-name-jared-kushner-president-n381108
The final vote on the whether the U.S. Senate will remove President Trump from office will happen at 4 p.m. … /VBzkonqpmH — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 3, 2020 Schiff said that if senators don’t remove Trump he “could offer Alaska … run the country, delegating to him the decision whether to go to war.”…
Washington's War on 'Sanctuary States' Intensifies
Daily Caller: ICE subpoenaed the State of Connecticut Court Support Services Division for information on three foreign nationals … Connecticut won’t say if they will obey the law and honor the subpoenas. … ICE issues administrative warrants for detainers, and the agency argues that the Immigration and Nationality Act gives them the authority…
Roger Stone Jury Forewoman Is Lefty Former Congressional Candidate, So Voir Dire Went Great...…rmer-congressional-candidate-so-voir-dire-went-great-n381481
– 🤔 — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 13, 2020 The Daily Caller News Foundation reported late Wednesday night that the … CNN revealed Hart’s posts, highlighting her love of the prosecutors in the case. … prosecutors on the Roger Stone trial,” Hart wrote in her post, referring to the four prosecutors who resigned from the Stone case.…
Trump Defends Roger Stone: 'Cannot Allow This Miscarriage of Justice'…roger-stone-cannot-allow-this-miscarriage-of-justice-n381420
– Roger Stone isn’t exactly the most sympathetic guy to ever work in politics. Quite the opposite, even. … As The Daily Caller explains, “the charges against Stone involved his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee about his interactions … The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them. Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!…
[WATCH] Trump Does Stand-Up at CPAC: Mocks 'Mini Mike,' 'Pocahontas,' 'Sleepy Joe,' and More…cpac-mocks-mini-mike-pocahontas-sleepy-joe-and-more-n380191
– This wasn’t reported by the fake news!” The audience laughed uproariously. . … #CPAC — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 29, 2020 This is a developing story and will likely … Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center.…
As CPAC Condemns Socialism, Dems in Congress Protect Castro
– #CPAC — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 27, 2020 Firing Squads With a Side of Literacy: Bernie … Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. … Might the Soviets Win the Cold War After All?…
Recap: Donald Trump Won the South Carolina Democratic Debate
The core of the Democratic Party will never trust him—and that makes him the riskiest candidate. … She then says to Bloomberg "At least I didn’t have a boss who said to me, 'kill it.'" — Daily Caller ( … people to look at the bright side of the Castro regime,” he said.…
Daily Caller Confronts College Students With Ultrasounds of Unborn Babies. Laughter Ensues…ts-with-ultrasounds-of-unborn-babies-laughter-ensues-n379126
The Daily Caller decided to take some ultrasounds of unborn babies in their first, second and third trimester with them to an American … The ultrasounds made clear: these were real babies. … Oh sure, it looks like a real baby, but hahahahaha, they just “feel” that life starts when the child leaves the mother’s body.…
The Morning Briefing: We Have Come for Your Children—Bernie Sanders Edition…e-have-come-for-your-children-bernie-sanders-edition-n380012
The rest of us recoil in horror at the thought of turning our children over to the government indoctrination mill that early. … In my book Don’t Let the Hippies Shower I humorously examined the radical takeover of the American education system. … This ignores the fact that the generation that figured out how to put a man on the moon did it all without the benefit of a pre-K “…
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