Results for: VP TO TRUMP

Exposing the SPLC's False 'Anti-Muslim' Smears Against the Trump Administration…e-anti-muslim-smears-against-the-trump-administration-n63165
– “It seems there’s just a determined effort by the Left and the mainstream media to smear anyone who works for the Trump administration … We’re lucky to have them.” … The SPLC attacked Donald Trump over and over again in the 2016 election, and it seems utterly bent on tying him to all kinds of “hate…
The Morning Briefing: Buttigieg, Venezuela, State of the Union, and Much, Much More…igieg-venezuela-state-of-the-union-and-much-much-more-n63345
– This year, we’re going to have a tussle between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Donald Trump over when and how the State … In any case, Trump has the high ground and Pelosi is trying to make hay of this shutdown. As for the political games, Rep. … Congress has traditionally passed joint resolutions to invite the president to give the speech, but Trump could give the speech anywhere…
5 Things to Know About 2020 Democrat Candidate Pete Buttigieg
– “You’re going to be dealing with the consequences of what they’ve done to the debt; you’re on track to be the first generation ever … Big government programs from the New Deal to the Great Society to Obamacare have made it harder for millennials to rise and achieve … America’s burgeoning debt — which Trump, for all his positives, has failed to address — is a serious problem for millennials and those…
The Morning Briefing: A Raw Deal, Crazy Train Derailed and Much, Much More
– Whatever Trump has been promised, it’s safe to assume that if it isn’t in the bill, it isn’t happening. … $13B to $77B? … “And by the way, I am not interested in sending $3.5 billion in federal funding that was allocated to this project back to Donald Trump
Mike Pence Responds to Attack on Christian Schools: 'I Couldn't Be More Proud of My Wife'…christian-schools-i-couldnt-be-more-proud-of-my-wife-n64160
– firm opposition to anti-religious animus. … “My own family recently came under attack just because my wife Karen went back to teach art to children at a Christian school,” the … Mike Pence connected this to the larger issue.…
CPAC Gives Mike Pence a Standing Ovation: 'We Will Never Be a Socialist Country!'…standing-ovation-we-will-never-be-a-socialist-country-n92105
– “The truth is they want to make rich people poorer, we want to make poor people richer.” … when @vp Mike Pence quotes Trump: “We will never be a socialist country!” Hear! Hear! … Americans who wanted to keep watching had to turn to Fox News’s live stream on YouTube or PBS News Hour’s live stream below.…
A Message to Maduro? Rubio Tweets Pic of Bloodied Muammar Gaddafi
– @POTUS & @VP demonstrate America’s unwavering commitment to regional #LimaGroup efforts to bring free elections to #Venezuela. … I know our allies are ready to take additional measures to support @jguaido & to further isolate & economically punish the criminal … over to the legitimate government;– deny visas to regime officials & their families;– find the $ they have stolen & return it to the…
The Morning Briefing: Feminists Just Want to Stick It to the Man (and the Woman)!…ists-just-want-to-stick-it-to-the-man-and-the-woman-n1607216
– It used to be that feminists just wanted to make sure that men treated women with respect. … and scholarships to boys? … VP VIP: Democrats Want to Ban Vaping Because They Want People to Die China Importing a Record Amount of Russian Oil Undermining NATO…
DNC Clearance Sale: Act Now, and You Can Get a Selfie With Kamala at 65% Off!…now-and-you-can-get-a-selfie-with-kamala-at-65-off-n1607359
– Tickets for a photo with the VP at the Women’s Leadership Forum started at $15,000, but it failed to sell enough tickets & is being … On July 5, 2020, Old Joe Biden’s Twitter wonk promised, “We’re going to beat Donald Trump. … handlers continue to implement a frankly malevolent agenda that is doing immense and possibly irreparable damage to the nation.…
Biden’s ‘You Ain’t a Woman’ Moment
– will protect access to abortion. … “But they’re about to find out.  … “Listen, you’ve got to come see us when you come to New York, VP Biden. It’s a long way until November.…
The Morning Briefing: On Cue, Biden Gets the COVID Pre-Election Panic Ball Rolling…iden-gets-the-covid-pre-election-panic-ball-rolling-n1614954
– It is NOT okay to be against everything Dems want – even though they do it to us. … It’s not only OK to be opposed to everything they want, it’s imperative. … Harris, who offered me the job and whose job it is to offer to the public her wisdom,  an opportunity to offer real change.…
Donald Trump vs. Our Blundering Elites
– Exactly as Trump said, Putin was ready to make a deal. … If the U.S. president or VP were to visit Taiwan, that would verge on diplomatic recognition. … Sadly, Trump used most of his time with Clay and Buck to claim once again that he was robbed in the 2020 election.…
The Morning Briefing: Republicans Better Not Wuss Out If They Win Big in November…ans-better-not-wuss-out-if-they-win-big-in-november-n1620407
– This week’s Biden Stasi antics are not going to go well for the Democrats. They’re practically weaponizing Trump at this point. … And Geoff was one of the greatest things ever to happen to television. … Sign Beclowns Himself, Becomes Famous Mulvaney: Someone ‘Very Close’ to Trump Tipped Off FBI Trump Fundraising Goes Through the…
The President Who (Allegedly) Showered With His Daughter Called MAGA Americans 'Extremists'…with-his-daughter-called-maga-americans-extremists-n1626556
– Biden sees that Trump is a threat, not to the Republic but to the shape-shifters who have been running the country for decades. … Biden said there is “no place for political violence in America,” yet his own VP pimped a bail fund to let animals from Antifa and … If Trump wins the White House in 2024, he is going to punish those who he feels cheated him and drain the swamp for the foreseeable…
The Would-be Presidents
– Embryonic Research What are we to make of the recent news that adult stem cells can be altered to revert to their embryonic forms … His hypocrisy hinges on the fact that he has been a trial lawyer, who, like many, found a way to match and trump the corporate elite—and … So it is laughable to hear his populist rhetoric when most of his professional life was geared to finding a way to live rather high…
The Candidates
– Is the decision to run predicated on the free face time on TV, and the decision to quit then taken when the cameras vanish? … Clinton—so many third rails, where to start? … She has to watch her grating, shrill octave and cackling, and the innate tendency to get mean and nasty.…
Is there a philosophy of hypocrisy?
– his VP choice in 2004. … This drive transcends the desire to contribute to charity, or to befriend the poorer neighbor or relative, but is cosmic in nature, … It is fun and nice to be therapeutic, unpleasant and mean to accept tragedy.…
Who Won the Debate?
– He again and again came back to Obama’s opposition to the surge and to his willingness to meet without conditions with Ahmadinejad … Polls taken in the coming days should show McCain holding on to his trump card in the race – the view that he’s better equipped to … So it is too soon to tell whether this debate and ones to follow have the impact similar to a world-shaking event.  …
With Daniels Out, GOP’s Best Bet Is ...
– The opening for Romney is there to seize. … On health care and other issues, he must prove to conservatives that they will be able to hold a President Romney’s feet to the fire … One listens to him speak and it is evident that they are listening to a leader. West is a man for these times.…
March PalinTracker
– Palin tells Obama to stop kowtowing to Mexican President Calderon: Palin tells Obama to stop kowtowing to Mexican President Calderon … Charles Krauthammer to Pete Wehner to, um, Matt Labash* to scold and correct anyone who might harbor the heretical view that Palin … And now, a fitting end to March’s PalinTracker: Neil Cavuto go MSM: If Palin, Bachmann and Trump are losers, why cover them?…
Trump f-bombs his way through Vegas
– I happen to think it’s not, but after the Nixon tapes, a pair of episodes with then VP Dick Cheney and “Captain Kickass,” this isn’ … t likely to sink Trump’s run. … to avoid serving in Vietnam.…
Jeb Bush's Act of Elite Bidenism
to the country. … And they wanted to make sure their family was intact, and they crossed the border because they had no other means to work to be able … As the nation’s chief executive, a president is expected to uphold the laws of the land without favor or allowing emotion to trump
Five Reasons Not to Fear Joe Biden in 2020
– try to make those an issue again. … Biden has also opposed slavery reparations, and far-left opponents seem to be willing to jump on that bandwagon. … The Obama factor Anti-Trumpism isn’t enough to stand out in the Democratic primaries. They all hate Trump.…
Biden's Inappropriate Behavior with Women and Young Girls Could Thwart His Presidential Bid…men-and-young-girls-could-thwart-his-presidential-bid-n64802
– Does Joe Biden want to be remembered as Barack Obama’s VP or the guy whose third attempt at a run for president was thwarted by the … Is he really the guy Democrats want to face Trump in 2020? I doubt it. … Joe Biden needs to think long and hard about what to do about this election.…
The Morning Briefing: AG Barr to Testify Today and Much, Much More
– feels like I’m going to lose my mind According to “sources” at ABC News, President Trump ordered parts of the border shut down two … Meanwhile, one of the nutters on the 9th Circuit Court ruled that Trump cannot send asylum seekers back to Mexico to wait out their … Trump moves to install loyalists Trump calls Judiciary chairman ‘Fat Jerry’: report Several agencies refusing to take part in Trump…
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