Results for: the daily caller

Michelle Obama Declares Her Fellow Elite Democrats Racist, Not Welcoming to ‘Someone Who Looks Like Me’
– it apparently a pressing issue to some people,” Derek Hunter writes at the Daily Caller: One of those people to whom this though … At the opening of the new $420 million Whitney Museum in New York City, the first lady spoke of a “feeling of not belonging” in museums … Whether I was at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Field Museum, Adler Planetarium, or the Museum of Science and Industry, the bustling…
Fellow MSNBC Anchor Mocks Chris Matthews' 'Foaming at the Mouth'
– Ed Schultz, you wacky scamp, you: Even The Washington Post is picking up juicy gossip from The Daily Caller. … …What the f***? Every time he gives a commentary he’s foaming at the mouth? … Does the guy have some condition we don’t know about?” Many have speculated……
Evan Sayet is Mean to Dead Jihadis
– Well, The Daily Caller reports that Evan responded to the brutal police killing of these fine upstanding Mohammedan citizens with the … There followed the usual sententious response from our friends — and the jihadis’ friends — on the left: “Death is never funny.   … He told the clowns to get lost. All of which earns the man a plug for his upcoming comedy tour.…
We Only Have Ten Years to Save the Planet From People Who Think It Only Has Ten Years Left
– “25 Years Of Predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’” are collated by Michael Bastasch of the Daily Caller, which we’re happy … The “tipping point” warning first started in 1989 In the late 1980s the U.N. was already claiming the world had only a decade to solve … (And increasingly, as the rest of the MSM now openly admits.)…
Thousands Expected for 'Victory Rally' In Baltimore
– This is about sticking it to the police, good and hard, and the satisfaction of seeing the “enemy” humbled. … The family lawyer, Billy Murphy, said the charges are “a first step but not the last,” adding that Baltimore now has an opportunity … law professor predicted in an interview with The Daily Caller.…
Is Google Working with Liberal Groups to Snuff Out Conservative Websites?…google-document-hate-threatens-conservative-bloggers-n168534
– thus far on hate stories shows articles from a wide array of center-right sites, including The Daily Caller, Breitbart News, The Washington … the world. … In the wake of Charlottesville, some popular white nationalist websites, such as The Daily Stormer, were shut down and we removed them…
The Morning Briefing: Washington, Jackson, and … Lenin?
– Here is what’s on the President’s agenda today: In the afternoon, President Donald J. … The President will then meet with the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. … And speaking of statues… Protests begin over Vladimir Lenin statue Writes The Daily Caller: There are reportedly at least three…
The Morning Briefing: More Russia Leaks, Iran Teases Nuke Program and Much, Much More
– part of the story, the part where the campaign was concerned about the person who kept trying to set up the meetings and refused to … You can read a good summary of the entire article written by Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller. Don’t click on the WaPo. … In the background, Indian children stand in formation to spell out the Hindi word “Bharat”, which is the name of the country.…
The Morning Briefing: Police MIA at Nazi Rally and Much, Much More
– In the evening, the President will depart the White House for Joint Base Andrews, en route to John F. … Remember the “event” was not a surprise; the ACLU sued for the group to obtain their permit after there were problems with the city … Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller writes, “When police were ordered to disperse the alt-right rally, that act directed the white nationalists…
Mark Steyn: Dem IT Scandal Is Worse than Russia and Nobody's Interested in It…dal-is-worse-than-russia-and-nobodys-interested-in-it-n89585
– “Basically everything people have been looking for in the so-called Russia investigation is actually here in the more or less uncovered … He brought up the latest shoe to drop in the growing scandal, which was broken this week by Luke Rosiak in The Daily Caller, as a prime … “As you know, she demanded the return of her laptop from the policeman investigating this…’s on camera and it’s the interference…
If the Media Doesn't Tell the Truth, What Use Is It?
– , all the media. … Yesterday, Jim Treacher at The Daily Caller posted a story: “Bill And Hillary Clinton Finally Sell Hamptons Mansion.” … Follow the link, and you get to the real story: the Hamptons mansion that Bill and Hillary have rented in the past has been on the
Report: Arrested Democratic IT Staffer Imran Awan Still Has Active House Email Account…m-staffer-imran-awan-still-active-house-email-account-n53256
– amid an FBI and Capitol Police investigation, still has an active, secret email account on the House computer system, The Daily Caller … According to the Caller, Awan’s email address is still active “and linked to the name of a House staffer who specializes in intelligence … The Daily Caller’s intrepid reporter Luke Rosiak discovered that the account belongs to Nathan Bennett, a Carson aide whose work in…
Berkeley Mayor Wants Antifa Classified as a Gang After Assaulting Trump Supporters…ts-antifa-classified-gang-assaulting-trump-supporters-n53243
– From the Daily Caller News Foundation: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin said Monday it’s time to classify Antifa as a gang because of … Antifa is the backlash to the backlash, a defensive response to the growing presence of right-wing extremism. J.R.R. … There may be some dissension in the ranks after the attacks last weekend, but the many in the media are still beating the “largely…
Wake Forest University Launches 'Leave Patriarchy Behind' Club
the world.” … domestic violence than men, and that women very often prey upon underage men, as Eric Owens has extensively reported for The DailyCaller.…
Report: FBI Raid on Paul Manafort's Home Was 'Heavy-Handed and Designed to Intimidate'
The July raid was first reported earlier this month, but the new details reflect the intensity and scope of the search, which the source … The two, however, were split on whether the number of agents used to raid the property was excessive.   … He also kept the identities of Fusion GPS’ clients confidential,” Josh Levy, Simpson’s attorney, told The Daily Caller in a statement…
The Morning Briefing: Trump Put on Diet of Highly-Curated Information and Much, Much More
– Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President will then meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. … In the afternoon, the President and First Lady Melania Trump will depart the White House en route to Camp David. … Said long time Trump confidante Roger Stone of the new system, “news summaries have been sanitized, which means no Infowars, no Daily
Report: Fusion GPS Boss Refused to Answer Basic Questions About Anti-Trump Dossier…oss-refused-answer-basic-questions-anti-trump-dossier-n53356
– In September of 2012, The Daily Caller obtained internal Department of Justice emails that showed Holder’s communications staff — including … involving the attorney general and the scandal-plagued DOJ. … The Committee has the right to disclose the transcript, if it wishes to do so.”…
Obama's Ironic Inauguration Letter to Trump
The Daily Caller: Obama first congratulated Trump on his “remarkable run” before offering Trump four reflections from his time in … It’s up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international order that’s expanded steadily since the end of the Cold War … Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as…
A New Way to Transgress: 'Invisibility Microaggressions'
The Daily Caller: Campus Reform reported on Thursday that a recent study by two professors, Jasmine Mena, who teaches psychology … Publishing their findings in the NASPA Journal About Women In Higher Education on Aug. 29, the professors claim that the environment-based … To keep it all straight in your head all the time has got to seriously undermine the sanity of normal people.…
Public School Teachers Among the Leaders of Important Antifa Faction
The Daily Caller: One of BAMN’s most prominent organizers is Yvette Felarca, a Berkeley middle school teacher and pro-violence militant … out by the DFT. … ), the local teacher’s union sued the school on Felarca’s behalf.…
Police Reports Suggest Dem IT Scandal Ringleader Abused Several Muslim Immigrant Women…ndal-ringleader-abused-several-muslim-immigrant-women-n53655
– Police reports obtained by The Daily Caller show that several woman outside of Awan’s marriage to Hina Alvi have contacted law enforcement … Via The Daily Caller: Officers found one of the women bloodied and she told them she “just wanted to leave,” while the second said … she felt like a “slave,” according to Fairfax County Police reports obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group…
Anti-School Choice Activist (and Hypocrite) Matt Damon Sends His Kids to Private School…ivist-hypocrite-matt-damon-sends-kids-private-school-n113004
– For the most part, I have really enjoyed his body of work as an actor, particularly the Jason Bourne movies. … a public school system should be created that caters to all students. […] According to the Daily Caller, the documentary is a perfect … Meanwhile, the film insists that even more taxpayer dollars need to be thrown at public schools. Here’s the kicker.…
Is a 'Cops and Robbers'-Themed Party Racist?
– At the University of Virginia, such a party was forced to shut down after the PC Fun Police threw a hissy fit over the theme. … As The Daily Caller reports: University of Virginia students shut down a “cops and robbers”-themed party at a campus fraternity Thursday … “The predominantly white members of this fraternity got to take their costumes off at the end of the night, people trapped in the prison…
Dallas School District Looking to Rename Schools Named for Jefferson, Madison...and Franklin?…name-schools-named-for-jefferson-madison-and-franklin-n53543
the Confederacy, the Dallas Morning News reported. … The Daily Caller: The DISD administration has already recommended renaming four schools named after Confederate generals, including … Maybe the politically correct name changers want to rename the U.S. — perhaps call it the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.…
London Underground Bombing Another 'Known Wolf' Terror Attack?
The Daily Mail reported last night: The 18-year-old being held by police on suspicion of planting a bomb on the London underground … Caller (@DailyCaller) May 30, 2017 MI5 has launched urgent inquiries into how it missed the danger posed by the Manchester bomber … — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) April 21, 2017 The #ParisAttack suspect had…
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