Results for: Kyle Rittenhouse

Rittenhouse Judge Apparently Loves the USA and the Left Wants Him 'Removed'…rently-loves-the-usa-and-the-left-wants-him-removed-n1531911
– The Kyle Rittenhouse trial judge, Bruce Schroeder, has allowed political dog whistles into his courtroom that secretly telegraph messages … Judge Schroeder’s phone rings in the middle of the Rittenhouse trial, and it just happens to be the theme song from the Trump rallies … judge of being a racist: "a biased, racist judge… trying to get Rittenhouse a walk."…
'Victim' Jussie Smollett Gets Snarky on the Witness Stand When Prosecutor Reads the Actor's Racist Messages…nd-when-prosecutor-reads-the-actors-racist-messages-n1539820
Kyle Rittenhouse’s attorney learned that the hard way. So, Webb came up with a solution. … Kyle Rittenhouse was wrongly accused of murder, is 20-years-Smollett’s junior, and conducted himself with more grace and poise than…
Nine Times GoFundMe Told Conservatives to Go F U
Kyle Rittenhouse supporters were not allowed to fundraise on the website. … When Rittenhouse jumped to GiveSendGo, Discover credit card cut off the ability to give money to that fundraiser.…
'They're Trying to Kill Me.' A Portland Antifa Death Squad Goes Head Hunting for Andy Ngo and Somebody Gets a Beatdown…d-hunting-for-andy-ngo-and-somebody-gets-a-beatdown-n1451079
– A reminder now that antifa and BLM tried to do the same to Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin during riots there. … Rittenhouse was armed, though, and killed two of his armed attackers and wounded another.…
Biden's Big FU to Normal Americans: A Red Flag Center for 'Dangerous' Gun Owners (You)…d-a-national-registry-to-track-dangerous-gun-owners-n4927588
– The Angry Mob Comes for Kyle Rittenhouse AgainThis is the same thing politicians say when they want to "pilot" a program and it magically…
Democrats Are Running the Christine Blasey Ford Playbook Again But There's a Big Problem
– The Angry Mob Comes for Kyle Rittenhouse AgainThey rioted in the Senate.Who else remembers this from 2018 when they invaded a Senate…