I Don't Always Agree With Michael Moore, But on the Bailout...

…but I like the enraged populist spirit of this screed which he calls The Rich Are Staging a Coup this Morning”.

My solution is less populist/nihilistic than what I’d call populist constructive: the (likely) Obama Adminsitration should make Ralph Nader Treasury Secretary. He’s the only one smart enough to untangle the scams and identify the perps and refer them to Attorney General Spitzer (kidding! but wouldn’t that be a deserving humiliation for the greedheads who gave us this meltdown?)


Perhaps an even better humiliation might be to force every Wall Street executive who dips his hand in the bailout honey pot to exchange his Park Avenue co-op with a foreclosed family in Buttkick, Missouri. It may take a little while to adjust to the shift from Nobu to Taco Belle, but I hear the chicken-nugget burrito is tasty.

Re those execs, I’m sure you’ve been to family gatherings whee some curmudgeonly uncle will say “If you’re so smart why aren’t you rich.” As the world economy goes down the tubes because of these thieving bozos I think we’re all justified in asking them: “If you’re so rich how come you’re not smart?”


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