It's Cartoon Time Again - Call Flemming!

Just when you stop thinking about Mad Binny, he pops up again like the insane narcissist he is, lest you somehow forget him personally. Heaven forfend his almost as nutty followers would supersede him in the world’s attention. So this time he brings back the trusty cartoons–that primitive and idiotic complaint that made us all love Islam so much. He also took a shot at the Pope. And why not? That insolent Crusader had the temerity to call for a reduction of violence in Iraq. Binny knows he was kidding. It’s another Crusader trick. [Maybe we should get Obama to reason with him without preconditions? He can bring Reverend Wright to interpret. They both speak the same language.-ed I have one answer to that. What’s your favorite Anthony Newley play? Stop the World. I Want to Get Off. You said it.]


Of course, at Pajamas Media, in a situation like this, we don’t call “Ghostbusters” or Barack Obama. We call our own Xpress blogger – the man who knows more about the cartoons than anybody because he was behind them – Flemming Rose.


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