You Can't Go Home Again, Ilhan Omar

(AP Photo/Jim Mone)

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s mysterious marital life has been much written about. Was she a bigamist? Was she married to her brother? It’s unclear, but not unlikely. At a minimum, she seems to be playing musical husbands — or is it lovers? The latest seems to be this fellow:


A Washington, DC, mom says her political-consultant husband left her for Rep. Ilhan Omar, according to a bombshell divorce filing obtained by The Post.

Dr. Beth Mynett says her cheating spouse, Tim Mynett, told her in April that he was having an affair with the Somali-born US representative — and that he even made a “shocking declaration of love” for the Minnesota congresswoman before he ditched his wife, alleges the filing, submitted in DC Superior Court on Tuesday.

The physician, 55, and her 38-year-old husband — who has worked for left-wing Democrats such as Omar and her Minnesota predecessor, Keith Ellison — have a 13-year-old son together.

Uh-oh. Holy Anna Karenina, is adultery in the air? How many times with how many people? When does this woman have time to legislate? She’s only been in Congress (excuse the double entendre) for months. And most of the time she’s in front of a TV camera. I thought Rep. Omar was a devout Muslim.

No wonder she was (or pretended to be) so upset when that unruly crowd of “deplorables” chanted “Send them back!” Going back to Somalia would definitely spell big trouble for Omar. (Israel would have been a better and much safer choice. Too bad about that.) To wit:

Somalia’s Islamist group al-Shabaab has publicly stoned a woman to death in a town in the south for cheating on her husband, an official told Reuters.

Al Shabaab, which has been waging a war for years to topple the Horn of Africa country’s western-backed government, seeks to bring in rule based on its strict interpretation of sharia law.

Sheikh Mohamed Abu Abdalla, al-Shabaab’s governor for Somalia’s Jubba regions in the south, said Habiba Ali Isak, a 30-year-old mother of eight children, was killed by stoning in Sakow on Thursday afternoon.


Phew! Omar only has three children. Maybe they’d go easy on her. And her marital situation has, as I noted, been unclear for some time (as well as have her immigration and tax statuses). Not so her paramour Mr. Mynett. He was definitely married — after his fashion. A trip to the Somalian homeland (for a new honeymoon or even a tryst) would not be advisable for him either:

MOGADISHU (Reuters) – Somali Islamist insurgents stoned a man to death on Sunday as punishment for alleged adultery, they said, a reminder that the militia is still strong enough to carry out public executions despite losing its grip on most towns and cities.

Hundreds of witnesses watched the death of 44-year-old Dayow Mohamed Hassan in Ramo Adey village in the south-central Bay region, the regional governor representing the al Qaeda-linked insurgency said.

Moalim Geedow told Reuters that Hassan was buried neck-deep in a hole then pelted with stones.

In case you’re interested neither of these events occurred in the ninth or even the twelfth centuries. Both date from 2017.

The hypocrisy, like the anti-Semitism, of Ms. Omar knows no bounds. The only rational questions are what in the Sam Hill is such a person doing in the U.S. Congress and why she isn’t she being investigated by the IRS, DOJ, and virtually every other government agency. Also, why is this woman constantly dissing the United States when her homeland has ranked near the top of the failed state rankings throughout the entire globe (this time second only to Yemen) for years? And finally, have all the people in her Minneapolis district had lobotomies?


PJ Media co-founder Roger L. Simon’s new novel — The GOAT — is available now for pre-sale on Kindle and in paperback and hardcover September 1. Some rather good early reviews here, here, and here.


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