A woman just tweeted in Spanish: Someone has won, but only a few know who it is. (It has been retweeted endlessly as the world waits.)
Voter turnout in Venezuelan election at 75%
Big exit poll predicts 3 point Capriles victory but other shows Chavez ahead – both on Twitter.
Danny Bolivar @DDbolivar
“@antonioborjas: I’m Venezuelan and I can’t not be calm #HayUnCamino #EleccionesVenezuela #Elecciones2012 http://pic.twitter.com/jhX9oxXk” me neither!
4m SALA DE INFORMACION @saladeinfo
“En el balcón del pueblo en Miraflores, no tienen ningún preparativo para celebrar como en otras elecciones” http://bit.ly/TiNRVr
(TRANS: “The palace of Miraflores isn’t prepared for celebrations like other elections”)
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