What Mark Sanford did (wrecked our priorities)

We all know politicians are narcissists who very often cheat on their wives (Clinton, Edwards, Ensign and, now, Sanford… among scores of others). We also know that the myriad hypocrites on both sides of the political ledger try to make hay out of this for their own brain dead ideological reasons. (Some boring dork on MSNBC is blathering on right now about the “GOP Brand, etc.,” as if Edwards and Clinton were good for the Democratic Brand – unless that brand is serial adultery.)


Nevertheless, Mark Sanford’s out-of-control Father’s Day jaunt to Buenos Aires is particularly ill-timed, not just because of the obvious disrespect to his wife, children, friends, citizens of his state, political party, etc.

Reason: IRAN.

At this moment, the eyes of this country should be fixed on the horrific events coming from that company and the struggle for freedom against all odds by many of its brave citizens. They need our support more than anything. Instead – and it doesn’t take Nostradamus to predict this – our cable networks will be treating us to wall-to-wall Argentinean hanky-panky cum gubernatorial soap opera when an historical event of titanic proportions is taking place. Well, that’s testosterone. We’ll see how our media does in keeping a decent focus.

UPDATE: Sanford was in Buenos Aires for a week; the same week Iran was in ferment, demonstrators being beaten in the streets. It’s kind of like Hiroshima, Mon Amour in reverse. The Anchoress has more


MORE: If you’re looking to do more about Iran, you can protest Nokia’s giving advanced Internet monitoring equipment to the Islamic Republic here.


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