I have been unable to post on this site since yesterday (Tuesday) at about four p. m. Nor have readers been able to post comments. According to my hosting company, Phpwebhosting, this may be the work of “comment spammers.” Personally, I blame Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad who could well be concerned that I am the screenwriter of a film about the supposed Holocaust, which he deems to be a “myth”.
I wish he were a “myth.”
UPDATE – The Merkel Connection: What the Mullahcracy may not have banked on is the recent “regime change” in Germany. Angela Merkel is not the same person as the compliant Gerhard Schroeder. According to Expatica, the new German Chancellor…
“has described the denial of the Holocaust by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as incredible, her spokesman said on Wednesday in Berlin.
She robustly rejected the previous day’s anti-Semitic remarks by the Iranian leader. Thomas Steg, the deputy government spokesman in Berlin, added that the cabinet had discussed the topic and there had not been any doubt that Ahmadinejad had made “shocking remarks”.
Merkel would seek a joint European rejection of the remarks when she met E.U. leaders Thursday and Friday in Brussels for a European summit. Germany was also likely to seek a strong rejection by the international community by way of the United Nations.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier had previously said Wednesday that the Ahmadinejad remarks were “shocking and utterly unacceptable”, denying as they did not only the right of Israel to exist but also the Holocaust.
“I cannot avoid saying that this damages bilateral relations and puts a strain on the negotiations over the Iranian nuclear programme,” he told the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs Wednesday.
Let’s hope it’s a big strain. Also, Der Spiegel has an interesting interview with Iran expert Ali Ansari. Here’s a key bit:
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Internationally, the only times we hear from Ahmadinejad are when he talks about Israel. What do people in Iran think about him otherwise?
Ansari: I think where he really crossed the line where the domestic audience is concerned is when he said a green aura was coming out of his head during his speech to the United Nations. This conversation got filmed, and people can watch it on DVD. Ahmadinejad came home from his speech and told an ayatollah that everyone at the General Assembly — all these world leaders — didn’t even blink for thirty minutes (out of awe). Lots of people have seen this in Iran, and it makes him seem a bit too superstitious.
Ya think?
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