Since earlier today I wrote a post about the bad side of Bill Clinton, it is worth noting the good side too, expressed here in a decidedly pro-Bush article regarding recent developments in the Middle East by Todd Purdum in Wednesday’s New York Times:
His two predecessors in the Oval Office, his father and Bill Clinton, both spoke of the latest signs of progress in an appearance at the White House. The first President Bush was restrained, pronouncing himself “very pleased,” but cautioning that much work remained to be done.
Mr. Clinton was more ebullient, noting that the Iraqi elections “went better than anyone could have imagined.” In Lebanon, he said, “the Syrians are going to have to get out of there and give the Lebanese their country back, and I think the fact that the Lebanese are in the street demanding it is wonderful.”
Asked about huge demonstrations on Tuesday, sponsored by Hezbollah, that demanded just the opposite, Mr. Clinton said: “I find it inconceivable that most Lebanese wouldn’t like it if they had their country back. You know, they want their country back and they ought to get it.”
I like the good Bill better. I like the good New York Times better too.
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