The Canada Free Press has published an extraordinary indictment of Obama. Their brief centers on how the President and his administration handled the crisis in Benghazi. It is a devastating rehearsal of incompetence salted by self-absorption — our guys get murdered, Obama flies to a fund-raiser in Vegas — but the nub of the criticism is independent Benghazi:
In the November 2012 presidential election, America is given an opportunity almost no other country suffering under tyranny is offered—the chance to wake-up and toss out a despot before he fatally damages our noble Republic. Let us pray Americans will cast aside sentimentality and act as true patriots and save America from a crafty and utterly immoral, power-mad demagogue.
There you have it, folks. Has anyone put the case against Obama more succinctly — or more accurately? h/t for this eloquent and accurate piece to Instapundit.
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