Chuck Schumer and I are Locked in Mortal Combat

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Chuck Schumer has a new book out about antisemitism, and on Saturday, the New York Post went straight for the jugular: “The only thing Chuck Schumer knows about antisemitism is how to spread it.” That, as they say, is gonna leave a mark. The Post, however, has a point: “Since the Hamas attack on Israel two October[s] ago, Schumer — the senior senator from New York — has systematically ignored the rapid rise of Jew-hatred across America and obstructed any attempt to mitigate it.”


Indeed. But now Chuck, or more likely his ghostwriter, has bestowed upon us his wisdom about antisemitism, and the world is duly grateful. Chuck’s “Antisemitism in America: A Warning” came out Tuesday, and has zoomed up to #318 on Amazon’s sales charts and is the #1 bestseller in the Discrimination and Racism category. This is very, very good from a sales standpoint: there are millions of books out there, and to have the 318th best-selling one at any given moment means that your book is getting a great deal of attention, which is understandable since Schumer is not only an accomplished grillmeister, but the senior senator from Sinister, uh, that is, from New York.

There is, however, a vastly better book on antisemitism that just happens to have come out Tuesday as well, although it hasn’t gotten nearly the same attention that Schumer’s has. I know this because I wrote it, but as I am not nearly as accomplished a cheeseburger cook as Schumer is, and I’m not a made guy in the leftist political/media establishment, my own “Antisemitism: History and Myth” (which you, dear reader, can obtain here) is not enjoying brisk sales like Chuck’s.

Like virtually everything else, this is a spiritual test. Should I envy Chuck Schumer? Although he enjoys the charmed life of a “public servant” feeding happily at the public trough, and likely has an accomplished ghostwriter to crank out books under his name, and has the entire media establishment falling all over themselves to praise the book, all in all, like the late, great Sammy Davis Jr., I gotta be me. And like Sammy’s friend Frank Sinatra, I did it my way. I had to.


This is because, as the Post reminds us, “when encampments at Columbia University — along with their accompanying violence, vandalism, and harassment of Jewish students — came to a boiling point in April, Schumer should have rushed to bring the Antisemitism Awareness Act to a vote on the Senate floor after the House overwhelmingly passed it via a bipartisan vote of 320-91 in May. But nah. How delusional does Schumer need to be to write a book on antisemitism when he’s single-handedly stonewalled the bill that would adopt the most widely recognized definition of antisemitism in the world?"

All in all, I’d rather be the guy who wrote the book about which Dennis Prager said: “As the author of a book on antisemitism that has been in print for 40 years, it should mean something when I say that I do not believe a more important book on antisemitism has ever been written. What Robert Spencer has achieved in Antisemitism: History and Myth in terms of information and breadth of subjects is unparalleled.” And Rabbi Michael Barclay added: “Robert Spencer has written the definitive book on anti-Semitism for our time.” Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the courageous author and human rights activist, said: “Had we listened to Robert Spencer and taken heed twenty years ago or even ten years ago, the impact of the Islamists driven antisemitism would not have caught us by surprise. We would have had in place an institutional effort to counter it. Here is another opportunity to pay attention to his important work. Read this book!” 


      Related: Trump: Schumer Is ‘Not Jewish Anymore. He’s a Palestinian.’

So yeah, Chuck Schumer and I are locked in mortal combat, and Chuck is certain to win: his book on antisemitism, with the full weight of the leftist establishment pushing it, is certain to do far better than mine. But that’s just fine, because writing a book that tells the truth and is recognized as quality work by people who are in a position to know is far, far more satisfying than making a ton of money on a cynical potboiler designed to capitalize on an issue that one has singularly failed to defend. 

Not that making a ton of money is a bad thing; I’m no Marxist. But ill-gotten gains are ill-gotten gains. If you’re looking for a book on antisemitism’s strange resurgence and what can be done about it, I got one for you. And it isn’t Chuck Schumer’s.

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