
One of Kamala’s Biggest Supporters No Longer Thinks She is Going to Win

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Chris Christie has hated Donald Trump for years. He was one of his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 and was even positioning himself as the tough-talking, no-nonsense outsider until Trump entered the fray and stole his thunder. He did back Trump after it became clear that he was going to win the nomination that year, but broke with him later, echoing the left’s fantasies, smears, and lies about the Jan. 6 “insurrection.”

Christie even tried to mount a challenge to Trump’s 2024 candidacy, only to find that no one, no one at all, was interested in seeing him in the Oval Office. But turncoat Republicans and fake populists are always popular among leftists, and so Christie appeared on “The View” Friday but didn’t bring along his pom-poms and wasn’t ready to lead cheers for Kamala Harris, to the consternation of his righteous hosts. Christie even dared to throw a rotting cabbage onto the sofa in the form of a prediction that Harris would not even succeed in taking down the Hated Orange Man and Saving Democracy and Life On Earth As We Know It.

Fox News reported Friday that Christie “insisted that Vice President Harris still had more work to do to convince voters to support her.” No kidding, Chris, really? Kamala hasn’t made the case that Americans should vote for four more years of open borders, skyrocketing inflation, and ever-darkening clouds of war around the world as American prestige and influence continue to decline?

You mean that for some reason many Americans are still reluctant to vote for a candidate who will use the full power of the United States government to make us all pretend that men who pretend to be women are really honest-to-goodness women and should be allowed to win all the women’s sports championships they possibly can? Well, knock me over with a feather. 

According to Fox, Christie “suggested that undecided voters still didn't ‘know’ Harris and that she had failed to distinguish herself from President Biden and his policies.” Now, the bit about Harris failing to distinguish herself from Biden is altogether true and wholly justified. 

The vice president hasn’t spent four years feuding with the president over policy since the chief executive was John Adams and the national second banana was Thomas Jefferson. Harris has never done anything but applaud and echo Old Joe’s stances on various issues and wasn’t expected to do anything else until the people who are really running things decided that Biden would go down in flames against Trump and that Harris would stand a much better chance of beating them.

The Democrat strategy was obvious. Saddled with the Biden-Harris regime’s abysmal record, Democrat top dogs knew that the addled octogenarian figurehead they had been running had no chance whatsoever, whatever the polls said. They figured that if they replaced him with Harris, they could position her as an outsider, cheerfully ignoring the fact that she was an integral part of this administration from the first day and that their low-information, low-education base would fall for it.

Christie, however, was on “The View” to tell the world that this strategy hadn’t worked. Harris was closely identified with Biden, and not only had she been unable to overcome that, but there was no possible way she could, short of breaking with the administration and openly attacking Old Joe. Even that wouldn’t have worked, as people would have inevitably wondered why she waited four years to register her discontent.

Related: The Sky Is Falling: Now CNN Commentators Turn on Kamala, Complain of ‘Word Salad City’

And so Christie delivered the bad news: "Ten days ago I would've told you that she's going to win. And I think she's had a bad ten days." It’s much more than ten days, but all right. The zaftig former governor explained: "There’s advantages and disadvantages to coming into the race this late. The advantage is she didn’t have to go through all the primaries and go through all of that that goes on that wears you down a bit. But the disadvantage is people don’t know her.”

No. The real problem that the left faces today is that the American people know Harris all too well. Her vapidity, her arrogance, her self-righteousness, her opportunism, and her Marxist leanings have been all too clear. Chris Christie may be right that she is not sealing the deal with the public, and if so, that would make perfect sense. On the other hand, Christie didn’t mention the other elephant in the room: despite all her shortcomings, the establishment media and election shenanigans could still carry Harris over the finish line. If that happens, Harris will distinguish herself from Biden quite quickly: the Biden years will almost immediately start to look like the good old days.


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