Of All the Reasons the Left Has Given Us to Vote for Kamala, This Has to Be the Craziest

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Of all the cockamamie reasons the left has given us for why we simply must install Kamala Harris in the Oval Office, retired U.S. Army Brigadier General Steven Anderson has given us one of the craziest. Anderson, however, is crazy like a fox: while trying to give the impression that he was making a case for why Harris would be a better president for international relations than Bad Orange Man, the wily old general was actually speaking to Harris’ domestic base, trying to make sure that it stays on the reservation. Could that be an indication that everyone in the Harris camp is not as confident of victory as the establishment media makes out?


It could be, but whether it is or not, Anderson still gave us one of the most ridiculous arguments for voting for Harris that has been advanced thus far. Fox News reported Thursday that during an appearance on (of course) MSNBC, Anderson explained that if Kamala is elected, Vladimir Putin “will know the U.S. is committed to democracy when it elects a Black woman and product of a mixed marriage.”

Oh, brother. Yes, leftists are so extraordinarily narcissistic that they assume that everyone in the world have exactly the same perspective and values that they do, including people who have quite spectacularly demonstrated the contrary, such as Putin. 

Anderson claimed that “people like Vladimir Putin are going to say, ‘Hey, wait a minute, these guys, you know, they truly have a democratic country. They truly are representative, they truly are fighting for all their people, and Kamala Harris is a manifestation of that.’” The mind reels. 

Does Anderson, who somehow attained the rank of brigadier general in the United States Army, believe that Putin is waging war in Ukraine because he doesn’t think that the U.S. is true to its stated principles of equality of rights for all people? And if Putin really does think that or something like it, why would the election of Kamala Harris make any more difference than the election of Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012?


Beyond that, what does Anderson think would be the upshot of Putin’s supposed discovery that, gosh darn it, those Americans really are committed to “our democracy” (i.e., leftist hegemony) and to equality of rights for “people of color” (which Kamala Harris is more for electoral purposes than in reality)? Will he pull back his troops and end his war in Ukraine? Will he come to Washington, hat in hand, and shame-facedly confess to Queen Diversity I, that is, President Kamala Harris, that he was wrong and had drastically misjudged America and Americans?

Steven Anderson may not know it, but it’s actually extremely unlikely that Putin will be impressed with the United States if Harris is elected. It’s even more unlikely that Putin loses any sleep over America’s commitment to “our democracy” or to the question of whether or not we have had a “brown” female president.

In fact, many Russians view the American left’s obsession with “diversity” with a mixture of amusement and contempt. An American who taught high school in Russia for several years, including during the 2016 presidential campaign, told me that his Russian students were confident that Hillary would win the election. One student told him, to general agreement among her classmates, “You have had your black president, and now you have to have your woman president.” They thought the whole idea of choosing a president based on race or sex and bean-counting the number of this or that race in various professions, was absurd. And they were right.


      Related: Get Kamala Harris Into the White House With This One Weird 184-Year-Old Trick

Steven Anderson, however, claimed that electing Harris would be better for our "national security situation" than electing Trump, whom he said was "totally unfit." He added an improbable story: "I travel a lot overseas. I have a lot of work and business overseas, and I’m constantly asked, ‘Hey, are you serious? Donald Trump can get back in the White House? A cacophonous buffoon like that?’ And I say yeah. Unfortunately, they’ve got a lot of people that live and breathe by everything that he says."

Kamala would be better, Anderson said, not because she is competent but because of her race: "Kamala Harris would be just the opposite. Why? Because she’s an inspiration. Not only is she positive, does she bring hope and optimism, but as a black woman, the product of a mixed marriage, she will inspire millions of people throughout the world." 

Once again, Anderson displays his myopia and narcissism. Given the state of the world today, it’s much more likely that if America elects Harris, the nation will be regarded as weak and vulnerable. And that perception would be one hundred percent correct.



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