Democrats, the Party of Freedom? I'm Laughing Through My Tears

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

"Freedom" has always been a loaded word in America. What do we mean by freedom? Obviously, there isn't one definition for freedom since freedom means different things to different people.


In some ways, freedom mirrors Justice Potter Stewart's definition of obscenity: "I know it when I see it." And looking at speaker after speaker at the Democratic Convention last night in Chicago, I couldn't help but be struck by some of these people's idea of what "freedom" means.

Vice presidential nominee Tim Walz mentioned the word "freedom" eight times in his acceptance speech. In fact, he said this election was all about "freedom." 

The New York Times transcribed Walz's speech:

When Republicans use the word freedom, they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office. Corporations — free to pollute your air and water. And banks — free to take advantage of customers.

Oh, really? In the immortal words of "Independence Day's" Defense Secretary Albert Nimzicky, "That's not entirely accurate." 

There are thousands of individual regulations governing air and water quality in the United States. They are hardly "free" to pollute anything. Each of these regulations has the force of law. How many regulations do you think banks operate under? "Banks" and "corporations" are trigger words for Democrats and have been since the time of FDR. 


What's even scarier is that many adult Democrats actually believe that drivel. 

But when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love. Freedom to make your own health care decisions. And yeah, your kids’ freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the hall.

The reality of Democratic governance is far different. You won't hear Liz Wolf's litany of complaints against Democrats in Chicago tonight.

Democrats make it hard for me to own a gun. They make it hard for me to get a gas stove or use the dishwasher I want to. Last year, the Democrats in my city tried to implement a tax on every single Amazon delivery that makes it to my doorstep. They keep legalizing weed, then failing to permit dispensaries so that they can operate within the bounds of the law, so I still buy on the black market. During COVID-19, they made gathering for Mass essentially illegal, forcing capacity and distancing restrictions on people who simply wanted to worship. Don't get me started on the taxes I'm forced to pay—money I earned, but can't direct as I see fit—or the fact that, once I start homeschooling my son, I'll have to ask for permission from the state.


"In Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make, even if we wouldn't make those same choices for ourselves," said Walz last night. "We've got a golden rule: Mind your own damn business."

That's a lie. In fact, Democrats allow the government to make everything their business that they don't much agree with. When the government makes it its business to shut down kids' lemonade stands or regulate garage sales, that's as intrusive as anything Democrats accuse Republicans of doing.

All elections are about "freedom" in some ways. Some definitions of freedom are more expansive than others. The Democrats' idea of "freedom" masks a cloying desire to control. It would be nice if someone at that convention said something about it. 


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