The Paris Olympics Set a Marketing Trap for Us and We Fell Right Into It

AP Photo/Thibault Camus

"Why on earth would anyone push so much to offend as many Christians as possible? It's insane that this kind of 'show' even passed proposal stage. #BoycottOlympics."


"Why," indeed. The explosion of outrage over the Paris Olympics' opening ceremony has radically boosted the visibility of the games and, at least for a few days, made the Olympics the number one story in the world.

"Wasn't it a risky move?" one of my friends asked. "Offending a billion people is not the best way to win friends and influence people, or attract viewers, right?"

It wasn't risky at all. In fact, it was a guaranteed win for marketing the games.

Christians may be offended, but what are they going to do? It's not like they were offending Muslims, in which case the organizers would soon be competing in the headless horseman competition. Offending Hindus would lead to all sorts of riots and burnings, and that wouldn't be good for the TV ratings.

So Christians presented themselves as the most eligible target for controversy. And the rest of us fell into the trap set by the organizers. 


To make the trap effective, they had to pretend they were shocked, shocked I say, that anyone would take their little drag show the wrong way.

The artistic director for the opening ceremonies, Thomas Jolly, said at a press conference Saturday that his choices were not meant “to be subversive, mock or shock.”


You can be sure that the entire purpose and intent of the display was "to be subversive, mock and shock.” Monsieur Jolly is a liar.

“My will is to say we are an immense ‘we’,” he added. “In France, we have the right to love each other, as we want, with whoever we want, in France we have the right to believe and not to believe. In France, we have many rights.”

He said: “Our idea was inclusion. Naturally, when we want to include everyone and not exclude anyone, questions are raised.

“We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everybody.

“In France, we have artistic freedom. We are lucky in France to live in a free country.”

Mr. Jolly certainly looks the part of an "artistic director," doesn't he?

“The idea was to really trigger a reflection," said Paris 2024 Olympics chief Tony Estanguet. "We wanted to have a message as strong as possible. We had to take into account the international community”.


The idea was to "trigger" period. Full Stop. End of story.

They are pretending that nothing is amiss, that there is no controversy, and that nothing is wrong. This is the left's preferred modus operandi when ordinary people push back against parts of their outrageous agenda.

Boys able to use girls' bathrooms or locker rooms? What's the big deal? What's everyone getting so upset about?

There's talk of a boycott of the games. And one Mississippi tech company has pulled its advertising in response to the opening ceremonies.

But Monsieur Jolly and the organizers of the Paris games aren't worried. Whatever small impact a boycott by advertisers and viewers might have, the trap they laid has proven successful. And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.


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