Man Claims Crossdressing Makes Him a 'Better Intelligence Officer'

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File

Our intelligence agencies are in the very best of hands.

I consider myself a pretty tolerant person. If you want to call yourself a woman while sporting a beard, more power to you. It's none of my business.


It's none of my business what you or my neighbor do behind closed doors. As long as you keep the curtains closed, have at it.

But when an intelligence officer comes out of the closet as a crossdresser and then proudly proclaims his lifestyle in an official U.S. government intelligence publication, I make it my business.

The Daily Wire obtained a newsletter through a Freedom of Information Act request from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). The newsletter, called "The Dive," is sent to employees in the entire alphabet soup of intelligence and law enforcement agencies. 

An article in the newsletter titled “My Gender Identity and Expression Make Me a Better Intelligence Officer” argues that our intelligence officers need to understand inclusivity and diversity. 

“I am an intelligence officer, and I am a man who likes to wear women’s clothes sometimes,” the article claims. The officer says that his decision to crossdress “merits attention given the climate of discussion around the topic and where it sits in the larger conversation about gender identity and expression and professional appearance.”

“I think my experiences as someone who crossdresses have sharpened the skills I use as an intelligence officer,” the anonymous author claims. He says he's now “more aware of, and hopefully more supportive of, my women colleagues" because he now has a “better appreciation for how it can be uncomfortable to wear women’s clothes sometimes.”


“I know firsthand how wearing heels can make your feet hurt and make it take longer to walk somewhere,” he says.

This guy would make the perfect undercover operative in our new diverse, inclusive, and totally hip and cool CIA.

How long he'd stay alive, I can't say.

Daily Wire:

The anonymous intelligence officer also admits that crossdressing in the workplace causes a distraction within the intelligence office, but he pleads that those around him will grow more supportive of his choice to wear women’s clothes.

“When I crossdress it still distracts people, even though it is professional,” he writes. “It is my hope that we can learn to accept a wider range of gender identities and expressions.”

The anonymous intelligence official went into even greater depth on his crossdressing habits. “Although I like wearing a bra, I know it isn’t comfortable for everyone, and is less comfortable after a few hours,” the stunning document from the office of the United States’ most powerful intelligence official reads. “On top of the biases that women often face at work, it must be hard to be uncomfortable too.”

My give-a-damn must be busted because I have no words to describe what I just read. I can only imagine seeing this person walk into the office of an intelligence agency dressed in a bra, skirt, and high heels and claim that "it still distracts people," like it happens everywhere and it's nothing to take notice of. 


Where I have worked, if you cause a "distraction" because of the way you're dressed, you're told to go home and change. 

In addition to empowering him as an ally, the author says that his experience as a crossdresser has made him “better at understanding clandestine assets and their motivations” and “at understanding foreign actors.”

An ODNI spokeswoman confirmed that the newsletter was sent out to every element of the Intelligence Community.

Sorry, but I call horse crap on that. How does wearing women's clothes help the officer understand "clandestine assets and their motivations”? 

It's terribly sad, really. While guys like this are celebrating their diversity and inclusion, some jihadist is going to slip into the country and kill a lot of Americans.

If only the terrorist had been a crossdresser, our intelligence officer could have understood him and stopped him.


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