Spanish Soccer Official Who Kissed Female Player on the Lips at World Cup in Trouble With FIFA

YouTube / Today Show

Spanish soccer federation President Luis Rubiales is being investigated by international soccer’s governing body FIFA after he kissed a female Spanish soccer player full on the lips during the trophy ceremony and celebration following Spain’s 1-0 win over England in the Women’s World Cup.


Rubiales has as much class as a billy goat. Here he is at the moment Spain won the title.

Mr Rubiales was sitting in a luxury box near Queen Letizia of Spain and 16-year-old Princess Sofía.

The goat kissed Jenni Hermoso — an act that the women’s soccer superstar certainly did not welcome. She issued a brief statement after the incident saying that she “didn’t like the kiss.”

Rubiales tried to defend the kiss as a harmless gesture.


Rubiales apologized on Monday but only after telling Spanish broadcaster COPE a day earlier that anyone who saw the incident as anything other than “a kiss between two friends celebrating something” were “idiots and stupid people”.


Spain’s acting prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, weighed in. “It was an unacceptable gesture and Mr. Rubiales’ apologies are not enough; they are not even suitable. Therefore, he must continue taking steps to clarify what we saw,” Sánchez said in a press conference on Tuesday, as Spanish newspaper El País reported.

Incredibly, there appears to be some intrigue surrounding the incident.


In a statement sent by the federation to Spanish news agency EFE, Hermoso played down Rubiales’ kiss.

“It was a mutual gesture that was totally spontaneous prompted by the huge joy of winning a World Cup,” her statement said, according to Reuters. “The ‘presi’ and I have a great relationship, his behavior with all of us has always been 10 (out of 10) and this was a natural gesture of affection and gratitude.”

But Relevo reports that Hermoso did not actually write or say that statement.

Instead, Hermoso issued her own statement in cooperation with her union and her agency.

“My union, FUTPRO, in coordination with my agency, TMJ, are taking care of defending my interests and being the interlocutors on this matter,” Hermoso said in a statement on Wednesday. “We ask the RFEF to implement the necessary protocols and to ensure the rights of our players and adopt exemplary measures.”


“It is essential that our national team is represented by figures that project its values of equality and respect in all areas,” the statement continued.

It appears that Rubiales is not long for his position. Not only is the players’ union calling for his head, but most of the Spanish government is also after him to resign. In 2023, you don’t haul off and kiss a woman without her permission. It simply isn’t done, no matter your job title or even in the heat of the moment.

And grabbing your crotch so that a 16-year-old girl can see it is beyond boorish and borders on criminal behavior.


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