Climate Change Conference Will Look to Extort Cash From Rich Countries to Pay for Weather Events in Poor Countries

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

If you’re a con man, a grifter, or just a run-of-the-mill crook, you’ve got to be in awe of the hustlers, the chiselers, and the Flim-Flam men running the climate change sting. It’s a truly epic con considering the billions of dollars that are going to change hands from “rich” to poor countries.


The “tale” in this case is the contention of poor countries — or, more accurately, the NGOs, lawyers, corrupt leaders of third world hell-holes, and others who will clean up if the con works — that weather events like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, drought, and anything else that can be shoehorned into the definition are the result of “climate change” and therefore those nations most responsible for causing the climate to change should pay.

Note the beautiful symmetry. Since it is absolutely impossible to discern what might be plain, old, regular weather disasters and what might be caused by spewing too much CO2 into the atmosphere, they will make it easy on themselves and just blame industrialization for all of it.

Henry Gondorff would have been proud.

The COP27 climate summit gets underway next week and this one promises to be the most insufferable yet. UN Secretary-General António Guterres said “getting concrete results on ‘loss and damage'” will be the summit’s key “litmus test.”


The issue has long bitterly divided developing countries on the front lines of climate change and developed ones like the U.S., which has historically avoided discussions of what are sometimes called “climate reparations,” Axios’ Andrew Freedman notes.

This time around, Pakistan and Nigeria — which both suffered hundreds of deaths and billions in damage from devastating floods this year — will be among the countries trying to focus attention on climate-related compensation.

“We do see a general acceptance that loss and damage must in some form be addressed,” Egyptian climate negotiator Mohamed Nasr said ahead of the summit. “The difficulty, as usual, is in the details; how do we define and finance this?”


I don’t believe there are a lot of American citizens who think that the U.S. should have to pay anyone for anything.  “We gave at the office” should be good enough in this case.

Related: New Zealand PM’s Plane Breaks Down in Cold — as She Studies Climate Change

Despite the guilt-ridden lefties who think everything is the fault of the U.S., there isn’t much call for “climate reparations” except from poor nations with corrupt leaders who are just as likely to take any money given in “reparations” and put it in one of their Swiss bank accounts.

Yes, but: “If you’re a pastoralist in Northern Kenya and your livestock get decimated by devastating droughts, or your home in Mozambique is destroyed by Cyclone Idai, these are not things that can be adapted to,” notes Mohamed Adow, director of Power Shift Africa. “They are permanent losses for which you deserve to be compensated.”

COP27 has been dubbed “The African COP” because the Egyptian hosts are focusing on the concerns of developing countries, particularly in Africa.

African nations and “African-descended populations” are often those “who are least responsible for climate change and who are suffering the most,” Adrienne Hollis, vice president of environmental justice at the National Wildlife Federation, tells Axios.


No effort is made to separate droughts and cyclones — which are regular weather occurrences in that part of the world — and prove that they are caused by climate change. It’s immoral and cynical, and any American president who agrees to any “climate reparations” should be impeached.


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