Counterattack! Obama Team Lays into Romney Following Speech

Considering that there was a universal piling-on on Paul Ryan following his speech, I wonder if the fact checkers are going to go after President Obama with equal relish now that the president has responded to Romney’s address.


No, I’m not smoking anything right now, and yes, I took my meds today.

Allow me to put on my pointy hat and play fact checker for a while — especially since no one else seems to be on the job at the moment. Maybe all the the fact checkers are going to that “Jumah at the DNC” to fact check the imam who said that Muslims discovered America.


President Barack Obama’s team ripped into Republican Mitt Romney’s big convention speech on Friday, complaining it lacked a governing vision and disguised plans to punish the middle class.

Perhaps the president would do us the honor of explaining what “governing vision” he has been operating under for 3 1/2 years. Sorry, but spending money like a drunken sailor and blaming George W. Bush for your failures, while playing the politics of class envy, isn’t much of a vision — more like a nightmare.

And about those “disguised” plans to “punish”(?) the middle class; if they’re disguised, how did you discern those plans, and please supply motivation for Romney to “punish” the middle class. What did they ever do to him?

Sometimes, being a fact checker can be easy and fun.

“I think that what people were tuning in hoping to hear were practical solutions to the challenges that we face,” Axelrod told MSNBC.

“You know, what they got were some snarky lines about the president, some gauzy reminiscences about the past and some buzzwords for the base.”

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that while the convention may have succeeded in warming people up personally to the Republican nominee, practical solutions were lacking.

“It was more about tearing down Barack Obama than leaving the American people with the impression of what Mitt Romney’s presidency would be,” she told CNN, ahead of the Democratic convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Obama’s campaign also released a web video, assailing Romney for what it said were his plans to add tax burdens to the middle class, further enrich the wealthy with tax cuts and gut state-financed health care for seniors.

“When you learn about the Romney plan … is it any wonder he doesn’t have much to say?” the narrator said, over pictures of a sad looking Romney.


Yes, Mr. Axelrod, about those “practical solutions to the problems we face…” I hate to be the fact checker that points this out, but it would help if Mr. Obama offered some solutions of his own — practical or otherwise — and gave us even just a general idea of what he plans for his second term. I know it’s a lot more fun to bash Mitt Romney and excoriate the wealthy, but when were you and your boss going to let us in on the secret “solutions to the problems we face”?

Just asking.

As for DWS, as a fact checker, I have to admit that Mitt Romney did not “leave an impression” of what his presidency would be like. That would fall under the rubric of gypsy fortune tellers, not politicians seeking office. Unless you have a crystal ball that would tell us exactly what conditions Mr. Romney would be facing on January 20, 2013, I suggest you take another line of attack — maybe talk about his dog or something.

Actually, the impression left by Mr. Romney is that he would be a damn sight better president than the man who currently holds that position. Is that what you meant, Debbie?

Then there’s that web video that touts Mr. Romney’s “plans to add tax burdens to the middle class, further enrich the wealthy with tax cuts and gut state-financed health care for seniors.”

It wasn’t necessary to have graduated from Fact Check U. (the “Harvard of the Northeast”…oh, wait) to check the facts on this one. Mitt Romney has no “plans” to raise taxes on the middle class. That’s an outright lie and I am going to write the Union of Concerned Fact Checkers about it. He is also calling for further tax rate reductions to help the middle class. Will they “enrich the wealthy”? The wealthy are already rich — I know because I’m a fact checker and already checked that fact out. And as for the “Mediscare” nonsense, even liberal fact checkers have checked on that and say that Ryan’s plan — which Romney has not endorsed completely — wouldn’t “gut state financed health care for seniors” who are currently covered under Medicare. Even those 55 and older could still be part of that bloated, wasteful, inefficient, and bloodsucking government program — if they chose. Considering the fact that President Obama and the Democrats have not offered a counter proposal to save Medicare, and have only proposed cutting $700 billion in Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals, a fact checker might legitimately ask, “Who is it that is ‘gutting’ Medicare?”


Now that I’ve gotten the fact check ball rolling on Obama, I hope to see the same number of fact checkers checking out what the Obama team has been saying about Mr. Romney and his speech.

I also hope to see a unicorn some day and watch pigs fly, but that’s another column.


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