The Old Comments Are Back!

The recent move to a new comments system is now complete and according to the analytics, has been well-received by readers. However, some readers did express a strong desire to have the options of viewing legacy comments from old posts at Belmont Club. Based on this feedback, there was a conversation behind the scenes, between the publishers and me, about how we could make this happen.


I am pleased to announce that we have now made it possible to view the archived comments. You will find a link to them above the regular comment area in the old posts. Click on the link and the legacy comments appear.

I am especially grateful to Aaron Hanscom for working so diligently with me on this. I am thankful not only for the restoration of the comments, but just as important, the demonstration that the publishers are always willing to respond to the needs of the readers. That more than anything else is the sign of a good site.


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