Five Reasons Why the ‘Christian’ Child Stabber in France May Really Be ‘Muslim’

(AP Photo/Claude Paris)

While yelling religious slogans, a Syrian migrant in France just went on a wild stabbing free in a playground — repeatedly stabbing one toddler and knifing a total of four children.


So far, there’s nothing strange — certainly nothing unprecedented — here: Muslim migrants yelling “Allahu akbar” while they slaughter and terrorize the people of France and other European nations are a dime a dozen. A minor price for the boons of “diversity” and open borders.

But this Syrian migrant didn’t yell “Allahu akbar.” He yelled “in the name of Jesus Christ” and reportedly “clinched onto a necklace with a crucifix on it before he launched his ‘abominable’ rampage.”

What to make of this?

My hunch: this man is a Muslim who pretended to be a Christian to get asylum in Europe and, on having an extra bad day, went into full-blown terrorist mode — all while still maintaining his Christian farce, whether out of a sick sense of humor or in an effort to aid Islam. (“See,” I can hear all the leftist pundits: “Killing people while screaming about one’s religion is not unique to Islam—Christians do it too!”)

Reasons for my hunch:

First, it is a well-known and widespread strategy among Muslims to pretend to convert to Christianity or even be born Christians when applying for asylum in Europe. Why? Because of projection. Because Muslims despise non-Muslims, they assume Europeans are still Christian and despise non-Christians. Therefore, for many Muslims, claiming to be Christian is a natural strategy to get asylum. Already French lawyers are saying that aid workers routinely tell Muslim migrants to say they’re either persecuted Christians or — assuming they’re really adamant about getting asylum — homosexuals.


Second, the man’s stated first name, “Abdul-Masih” — which means in translation “Slave of Christ” — is beyond overkill. Christians living in the Muslim world, including Syria, very rarely bestow such names on their children — for obvious reasons: it would be like putting a bull’s eye sign on their backs for any would-be Christian-hater, which are many in the Muslim world, to identify them by. Rather, Mideast Christians tend to give their children who are born there very neutral Arabic names — names that both Muslims and Christians use, such as Ibrahim or Yusuf. Some Christians have even been known to give their children very Islamic names, such as Ahmed. So, in telling immigration officials that his name is “Slave of Christ,” this man seems to have overplayed his hand.

Third, although he has both a beard and a mustache, his mustache appears significantly clipped in comparison to his beard. A long beard and short or no mustache is, of course, the trademark look of Salafi (“radical”) Muslims. This is to say nothing of his all-black ISIS-looking outfit and the flowing keffiyeh around his head — all of which make him look like, well, let’s just say not Christian.

Fourth, while there are countless examples, past and present, of Muslims hollering the takbir, Islam’s war cry — “Allahu akbar,” meaning Allah is greater — while engaged in acts of terrorism, this is the first I hear of a supposed Christian screaming “in the name of Jesus Christ” while stabbing children. There is simply no logic to it.


Fifth, it’s certainly quite the “coincidence” that, in a nation with presumably millions of native Christians, it just so happens to be that one “Christian” from a Muslim nation who behaves this way. From here, one can argue that, even if this man was a born Christian, his behavior — stabbing innocent children while screaming about religion — was informed, not by anything Christian but by his upbringing in a Muslim nation.

Could my hunch be wrong? Of course; time will tell. Then again, time may not tell, since, even if French authorities discover that he was a Muslim — a thing difficult to prove anyway — they may well suppress it as having him be a Christian is much better for the Left’s narrative and agenda: it demonizes Christians and exonerates Muslims.


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