I recently received an email from Kathleen R. LaBounty who was the woman interviewed in the emHouston Press /emabout being a sperm donor child that I mentioned in a previous post a href=”http://drhelen.blogspot.com/2009/03/are-you-my-father.html””Are you my father?” /aShe let me know that she has a blog, a href=”http://childofastranger.blogspot.com/”Child of a Stranger: Conception Through Anonymous Sperm Donation /athat is full of information about what it is like to be the sperm donor child of an anonymous donor:br /br /blockquoteI am the child of a stranger, produced through an anonymous sperm donation. Despite writing all 600 men from my donor’s former medical school yearbooks, receiving 250 responses, and going through 16 DNA tests, I have yet to find my missing family. While many other countries banned anonymous donations by the late 1980s to early 1990s and instead only use donors willing to release their identity, anonymous egg and sperm donations are still allowed and frequently practiced in the United States./blockquotebr /br /I especially found a href=”http://childofastranger.blogspot.com/2008/11/this-was-submitted-anonymously-to-site.html”this post intriguing./a
Interesting blog
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