Michelle Malkin a href=”http://townhall.com/columnists/MichelleMalkin/2009/03/04/going_galt_americas_wealth_producers_vs_wealth_redistributors”has a thought- provoking article /aat Townhall up today entitled, “Going Galt: America’s Wealth Producers vs. Wealth Redistributors:”br /br /blockquoteEnough. Last Friday, thousands of Americans turned out to protest reckless government spending in the pork-laden stimulus package, the earmark-clogged budget bill, the massive mortgage-entitlement program and taxpayer-funded corporate rescues. Contrary to false left-wing blog smears that the hastily planned impromptu events were “Astro-turfed,” the crowds were packed with first-time grassroots activists. They were people with families and day jobs whose usual definition of “community organizing” involves neighborhood yard sales or their kids’ soccer matches. They were members of the silent majority who decided to be silent no more. /blockquotebr /br /”Going Galt” isn’t just about reducing taxable income, it is about getting involved politically. Many people are a href=”http://michellemalkin.com/2009/03/02/going-galt-tax-hikes-have-consequences/”now carrying signs /asaying “Atlas will Shrug” or making references to John Galt. A small group can become a movement….
"Going Galt" continued...
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