Steve Sturm a href=””has some insight /a into why the economy looks so bad at the moment (via a href=””Instapundit/a):br /br /blockquoteThe stock market and the economy will be in the toilet until November 5, 2008, at which time both will slowly start to recover from what ails them, with the recovery accelerating on January 20, 2009…br /br /Those dates are, for those few of you who need to be told, the date after Obama wins the Presidency and the date he takes /br /And why will the sun again start to shine on those dates?br /br /Because once Obama wins, the MSM will no longer have an interest in shoving negative stories down our throats. And on the day he takes office, they’ll have an interest in playing up how well things are now going./blockquotebr /br /I agree that the financial crisis is a href=””in part psychologically induced /aby the media to assist getting Obama in office. Hopefully, after that it will be resolved with the media switch to world peace, economic prosperity and happiness for all (except Republicans) after Obama gets in. But there is also a chance that once started, people’s economic fears may take a while to die down and the problems that were exacerbated by the media will take some time to resolve, or there is always the chance that the doom and gloom stories will backfire and those who would have invested and spent will still be wary to do so.
"What drives value, stock prices, inflation, employment and everything else that comprises our economy is PERCEPTION"
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