There are few of us who are health service providers who are able to put our names and faces on our blogs, but Dr. Kevin Pho is one such physician and blogger who does so. a href=””Cary Byrd at /ainterviewed Dr. Pho and I found it very interesting–particularly the part about medical docs who are being run out of blogging:br /br /blockquoteDr. Kevin Pho is a hero to health and medical bloggers everywhere, because his blog, Kevin, M.D., has done so much to increase interest in our little corner of the blogosphere. Kevin offers a candid view of problems in the U.S. healthcare system from a doctor’s perspective — and unlike many medical bloggers who are rightly fearful of employer reprimand or legal reprisals, he is able to put his name and face by his opinions./blockquotebr /br /Go by and a href=””check out the interview/a and also take a look at the linksa href=”” such as this one /athat takes a look at the perils of blogging while a medical /br /Update: And on a related note, a href=”″Grand Rounds is up./a
Interview with Kevin Pho, MD
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