What Happens When Political Correctness Goes too Far?

Filmmaker Evan Coyne Maloney a href=”http://www.indoctrinate-u.com/intro/”tells us in his new documentary/a, emIndoctrinate U,/em a film that looks at political correctness on campus and the suppression of free speech. I wonder when the film will be a href=”http://technocrat.net/d/2007/2/2/14259″forced/coerced /ainto middle and high schools for viewing by young minds, kind of like emAn Inconvenient Truth?/em The kids, it seems, would certainly benefit from getting some exposure to the political correctness they will be expected to uphold at a number of universities in a few years. It just might make them decide to actually think through their college choices a little bit harder, and who would want that? Young people thinking for themselves? Heavens, no! So, I won’t be holding my breath waiting for the doc to be shown in any high school classrooms–its seems free speech in many institutions only exists for the exalted members who toe the line of liberal dogma.



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