In 2009, Schumer Said 'Medicare for All' Costs 'Would Be Huge'

When the headline on MSNBC is “Dem Divisions Widen As Sanders Pushes Single-Payer,” you know it must be getting pretty serious; otherwise the Democrats’ best buds in the media would be pretending like there was no problem at all. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I/D-VT), who keeps alternating between whether he really is a Democrat or not, is pushing for a single-payer “Medicare for all” healthcare approach. Putting aside the fact that single-payer systems never really work, it would also cost an astronomical amount of money. Even Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said in 2009 that “the cost, because Medicare costs are going up so much, would be so huge we’d be broke. So we can’t do that.” Seriously, when a Democrat tells you something is too cost prohibitive…



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