Every year there’s a speech that takes the upper-class gourmet cake for liberalness at one of Hollywood’s many awards shows. This year is already shaping up to be Meryl Streep’s. At the Golden Globes she gave a very anti-Trump speech, in which she did get one thing right. She said, “you and all of us in this room, really, belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now.” She’s right on the mark here because the American people are tired of being talked down to, they’re tired of being told what to do and think by rich celebrities in their formalwear. So, in an effort to praise the Hollywood elite, she actually condemned them to their own insolvency and unimportance.
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At tonight’s #GoldenGlobes we honor Hollywood legend Meryl Streep with the prestigious Cecil B. Demille Award. pic.twitter.com/dxpeCDNXY6
— Golden Globe Awards (@goldenglobes) January 9, 2017
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