LIVE RESULTS: Primaries in Virginia, Georgia, and Oklahoma

Townhall Media

It's hard to believe we're still reporting primary results in the middle of June, yet here we are! This week, we're watching races in Virginia, Oklahoma, and Georgia. Polls close at 7 p.m. ET in Virginia and Georgia. Oklahoma's polls close at 7 p.m. Central (8 ET). 


Georgia has three congressional runoffs, the most interesting of which is the Democratic GA-14 race. It pits Clarence Blalock against Shawn Harris. The winner will run against Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene in November. Greene won the Republican primary unopposed. 

In the Virginia GOP Senate primary, Hung Cao, a retired navy captain who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia, has Trump's endorsement and a huge fundraising advantage. Cao, who came to the United States as a (LEGAL) refugee from Vietnam when he was a child, faces Jonathan Emord (a PJ Media contributor), Scott Parkinson, Edward Garcia Jr., and C.L. Smith. 

Also, keep an eye on the VA-05 GOP primary. Incumbent Bob Good is up against State Senator John McGuire. Good ran afoul of the MAGA base when he endorsed Ron DeSantis for president. But McGuire, a former Navy SEAL who has Trump's endorsement, has had trouble fundraising— $520,000 to Good's $744,000. Will money talk? 

The same could be asked of VA-07, where Never-Trump darling Eugene Vindman is expected to prevail in the Democrat primary. Vindman and his twin brother Alexander gained fame (and fortune) as whistleblowers in Trump's impeachment trials. He's reeled in nearly $4 million throughout his campaign. 


The winner of the Democrat primary will face either a Navy SEAL or a Green Beret, both of whom have given Trump their full-throated support. Derrick Anderson (the Green Beret) has a large fundraising advantage over Cameron Hamilton (the SEAL). While Trump has not endorsed a candidate in the 7th District, Anderson has the support of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Cameron is endorsed by Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Bob Good. The race represents a huge opportunity to flip a blue district as Democrat Rep. Abigail Spawnberger leaves the House to run for governor. 

We're also watching a pair of primaries in Oklahoma's District 1. 





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